View Full Version : Saving scenes

Laszlo Horvath
February 14th, 2006, 07:38 AM
I can't save more than the two oncamera scenes. (Cam1, Cam2)
When I try to save to Ext1-2-3-4, it's change back to Cam1 before I save the new scenes. I checked the SD card, work fine in my digital camera, I can write on it, or erase it.
What I do wrong?


Earl Thurston
February 14th, 2006, 01:11 PM
It may be formatted differently than the JVC needs. Make sure you are using a blank card, then use the File Management feature on the HD100 to format the card. This should put it back into the proper state.

Laszlo Horvath
February 14th, 2006, 04:28 PM
Thanks Earl, but I tried that first.

Anyway, yesterday, when I tried save the scenes files, I realized the camera do not power off. I need unplug the battery to shoot down power...
Later I unpluged the camera for about an hour, and gueass what... Everything OK, now the camera shoot down properly, also I able to save any four extra scen files on the SD card. Wierd... very wierd. Also scary
May I need upgrade the firmware?? I never had any problem (including SSE) since September when I bought the camera.

What I need to do??
