View Full Version : Please help with audio problem

Michael Stewart
February 13th, 2006, 05:51 PM
Could someone please verify my audio problem I am using PPro 2.0, current Aspect HD 4.0, please take any clip, take an audio cd clip, and replace the audio from the original clip with a cd clip (mp3, wav etc.) to see if you here crackles or ticks every so often, it would work best with a song that is quiet and slow in order to hear it, I play the audio fine in the timeline, even export the audio by itself and it is fine, export to any other format but cineform and it is fine, Cineform gives me crackles and ticks?, if my fellow HDV'ers would be so kind as to try it on a standard cineform HDV clip I would appreciate it, have tried it on 3 sytems all the same problem.


Alex Horvath
February 14th, 2006, 03:51 AM
I´m currently on a project, so I´ll upgrade to 2 only after 15th of march.

Have you tried to render in another application like Aftereffects to be sure it´s not ppro2?


Michael Stewart
February 14th, 2006, 08:04 AM
Thanks alex, I will try AE today, every other way I export from premiere works fine from the same project, it is only when I go out to cineform that I get problems, thanks for the response, maybe no one was brave enough to upgrade PPro 2.0 like me?:)
