View Full Version : HD100 vs DVX100

John Trent
February 13th, 2006, 12:02 PM
I love the DVX's color, gamma, and latitude. I see Tim Dashwood has settings to match the DVX look but I (and I'm sure others) would like to see some jpg. framegrabs comparing the two cameras.

Please, if you have both these cameras could you please use Tim's settings and post pictures.

Thanks alot.

Nate Weaver
February 13th, 2006, 01:19 PM
Do a search. About 3 days after I received my HD100 in September, I did a side by side comparison, with a downloadable DVD image.

What had NOT been done at the at time was an effort to make the HD100's color rendition similar to the DVX. That was done by Tim later.

Based on Tim's presets, I've decided since that "Standard" color matrix is closer to the DVX than "Cine" color matrix.