View Full Version : Problem Exporting 60i to pro 1.5

Douglas Joseph
February 13th, 2006, 12:50 AM
Edit: I don't think export is the correct term...

Hello, I'm new to using Premiere. I recently just shot a ballet recital, in 60i, and I believe Premiere is reading it as 29.97 fps, not 60i.

The 'New Project' window says this:

Editing mode: DV Playback
Timebase: 29.97 fps

Shoudln't that be 60i?

Any help which can be given will be much appreciated.
Thanks a lot.

D.C. Joseph

Wes Coughlin
February 13th, 2006, 02:51 PM
the format 60i means two seperate frames put together to make one frame. as the "i" stands for interlace. so the actual fps time of 60i footage is 29.97. Make sure you have your field settings on "lower field" and not "progressive" when working with interlace footage.

Douglas Joseph
February 13th, 2006, 11:51 PM
Where can I check to see if I have my setting as 'lower field'?

Wes Coughlin
February 22nd, 2006, 07:31 PM
It should already be set as a defealt; but if you want to check go to project; project settings; general, and under video it should display your current project settings.