View Full Version : Green transistions again: PP1.5, Aspect HD 4.01
Patricia Lamm February 11th, 2006, 10:53 AM I created a project in PP1.5 with a number of Cineform-exported HD avi clips. After getting everything like I wanted (clips are rescaled, cropped, etc.), I then went into After Effects 6.5 to do some color work on the original clips, again exporting them as Cineform HD avi clips, and writing over the old clips. Now when I'm back in PP1.5 and in the original timeline, many of the clips preview (and export) with green transitions, or they flash green off and on. The clips preview fine when viewed on a new timeline (without any effects applied); the problem only appears in the original edited timeline. I've tried adjusting the motion parameters slightly for some of the clips to see if I could re-render and get some improvement, but the green remains. Any ideas?
Michael Stewart February 12th, 2006, 10:15 AM Hi Patricia, what are all your settings in AE?
Patricia Lamm February 12th, 2006, 12:07 PM Hi Mike,
My file interpretation: 29.97, upper field, first, Cineform HDV 1080i 1.33
My composition settings: 1440, 1080, 29.97, Cineform HDV 1080i 1.33
My export options are:
Format: Cineform AVI
+ the defaults: RGB, Millions of colors, premultiplied (matted),
default Cineform export options: Use ITU.Bt.709 (HD) colorspace (High HD)
Michael Stewart February 12th, 2006, 04:40 PM try windows avi export then use cineform codec to render.
Patricia Lamm February 12th, 2006, 09:27 PM That did it, Mike -- thanks!! I obviously didn't get the memo on this one -- is this a know problem with Cineform & After Effects? Should I be doing the same kind of export for Premiere Pro, or is the Cineform HD Export OK there?
Michael Stewart February 12th, 2006, 09:47 PM Hi Patricia, I love these guys (cineform), but......... I brought this up a few times and nobody seems to believe me ;), I do so many different things it allows me to come across most any situation and I have spent many hours doing process of elimination type scenarios, so I am glad it worked for you, nothing is more frustrating, to be honest it could be a number of combined elements that cause this to happen, most of the time I notice it is rarely just one specific item (straight footage + 1 effect) it is usually something allong the lines of a few things combined that cause problems, a few times it worked using the workaround I do with the windows avi+ cineform codec. Glad it worked for you. Keep posting specific problems and exact procedures, each of us can try them to see if we get the same problems, I still get pops in my audio on my one system when I export using cineform codec, any other codec has no problems with the same footage, just cineform, I don't care if I have one wave file with no effects, it still exports with pops, it plays fine in the timeline, and plays fine when I double click the clip to bring it into the project window, every export does it, I guess my point is the more of us that verify problems, frees up cineform to work on real problems while we get a consensus of whether a problem is isolated or all of us experience it. Any way, great to see you on the boards.
PS. Seems like it is only an AE thing I've found.
Patricia Lamm February 12th, 2006, 10:12 PM Thanks again, Mike. It's great having a place like this to find work-arounds for the problems that haven't yet been addressed. I'm beginning to think that all HD work involves a few band-aids and rubberbands to hold things together until a project can be seen to its completion. But at least the results are worth the effort! I'll never go back to SD...