View Full Version : Adobe production studio premium

Peter Ferling
February 10th, 2006, 11:40 AM
Anyone already using the new studio? I've watched pixel corps demo clips, and I'm interested. I was considering a switch to mac, but it will have to wait. I use all the apps in the older bundle, and I like the fact of having to avoid interim renders.

I can see that we can open an AE project in PPro 2, and that it will play back off the timeline without rendering. My question, AE is ram hog, and having both PPro and AE open suggests that even on my dual xeon, I'd encounter latency/lag issues. I have 2gigs ram now. So my question is how fluid or responsive is having all this integration? Do I need a quad processor AMD and 4gigs RAM? Anyone with a user experience? Thanks.


Steven Gotz
February 10th, 2006, 12:56 PM
You can do it with the RAM you have, but double it up and things will fly a lot faster. I only have 1.5GB so I close AE or Premiere Pro as soon as I can to avoid having them both open.

Bob Hart
February 12th, 2006, 11:30 AM
I tried submitting this enquiry via the Adobe website but the next message which came to screen was thanking me for the enquiry and that it was the last I would hear from Adobe on the matter. Guess there is another conduit for such an enquiry but could not easily find it there, so here it it here instead with a request for your kind favour by way of advice.

I enquire regarding Premiere Pro and the production bundle.

Is there likely to be a reversion to the Premiere 6 A+B roll format which was discontinued in Premiere Pro.

I have experienced considerable difficulty in adjusting to Premier Pro and have experienced some possible bugs with it as well. These defects however are probably attributable to my mismanagement of the software as well as the computer system being a P4 1.6Ghz with 512Mb memory.

This system, whilst not an "approved" brand name was hand assembled from components identical to an approved system for Premiere 6 and has not offered problems whilst that version has been used.

With Premiere Pro, the predominent difficulty I have experienced has been failure of clips to lock to the timeline, something which Premiere 6 never did to me. From one session saved to the next opening, clips and their associated transitions have slipped up to three seconds off cue. The same has happened in export to.avi also mpeg2 files via Mainconcept (bundled with Premiere Pro) for assembly to DVD.

Unlike Premiere 6, when one wants to right-click on a clip to separate and clear a soundtrack from a clip on the timeline, the function will not occur without deleting the vision as well. This is a big hassle with multicamera coverage and redundent soundtracks.

However, if one "Edit"+"undo" cycle is enacted, then the same "clear" function enacted again, most times but not always, it will execute successfully on the second try. This to me seems to be a software issue as in Premiere 6 and Premiere Pro, the same function executes almost instantaneously so it is not demanding on system resources.

"L" cuts are also a big hassle. In Premiere 6 they were a breeze and did not slip.

Premiere Pro has also proven to be antagonistic with a DVD authoring program, NeoDVD standard, which one might expect as that has issues both out of the box and with the revised download. With NeoDVD, Premiere Pro titles become severely truncated in time along with their associated transitions. But this does not occur with Premiere 6 titles.

I have been forced three times now to revert to using Premiere 6 for assembly and edit, then import to Premiere Pro, simply for its export functions, high quality mpeg2 export and superior effects rendering. There are probably third party applications out there which can do this just as well at a fraction of the cost only I have not searched for them.

If a more complicated workflow has to be learned to make these things happen in Premiere Pro, then to my mind, this does not represent an improvement over Premiere 6.

I am examining another hardware upgrade and software upgrade but I am not confident to move to an "approved" brand if issues are likely to remain. Discussion groups on the internet indicate some operator difficulties continue to be experienced with Premiere Pro, also Encore.

Will the layout and functionality of Premiere Pro remain consistent over the next two or three revisions?

Will product support endure.?

It seems that some software companies may neither provide install codes for subsequent re-installs when 7 year support for a software version ceases, nor provide an "open" re-install code for users beyond that point. This particular vice already occurs with a popular accounting software provider.

I am not looking forward to seeing a placard come up on the screen saying "codes are no longer available as this software version is no longer supported" when I want to re-install after housekeeping the hardware. It seems to be best practice to housekeep with clean re-installs of operating systems and software after project completions.

On reading the Microsoft XP EULA, my interpretation at least is that Microsoft does not seem to exclude itself from not being bound to support re-installation of XP operating systems beyond expiry of product support. Then, discontinuance of provision of re-install codes could prevent re-installation of that operating system. It is for this reason alone I am looking at Linux.

I have been caught out by this very situation in regard to a scripting software. The company went bellyup and the product was no longer supported as I found out when a hard drive died. Fortunately, somebody had written and published a crack for it and I was able to re-install and then recover my work off the work drive.

Can I have confidence, "approved" brand hardware systems will work without major issues. (Sometimes it seems "approved" brands are simply the fancy case in which otherwise identically sourced components and systems reside and a considerable mark-up on the cost. Reports on product support for some reputable brands in discussion forums have been less than confidence inspiring.)

Will there be support for HDV capture and edit improvements in the near future as supplemental fixes or minor upgrades. Discussion forums hint that HDV is a dog on several popular NLE systems.

The AVID FreeDV demonstrator functions on the current hardware system I use, seemingly without problems but for me there is a steep learning curve which I would rather avoid. There are also no guarantees the full version would be any more trouble-free on my system or any "approved" system I upgrade to than Premiere would be.

I would rather stick what what I know than entirely start over with a new system.

If anyone can provide some information this will be greatly appreciated.


Bob Hart.

Steven Gotz
February 12th, 2006, 11:48 AM

To my knowledge, there are no Adobe employees on this forum. If there are, they hide pretty well.

So let's address some of these issues as best we can.

The A/B capabilities will not likely be restored, because it is too easy to overlap two clips using two video tracks, and then applying single ended transitions. Or, a better way might be to overlap, make the decisions, and then drop one on top of the other. That creates a tail and allows a transition to places at Begin at Cut.

Yes, your PC is underpowered, and many bugs from earlier versions were fixed in version 2.0.

I have never seen a clip "slip" on the sequence. Ever. So you will have to explain that more in detail. If you start a new project, place a clip starting at 5 seconds, and then come back to the project another day, it should not have moved. How could it?

Use the Alt key to select just the audio, then hit the delete key.

Please explain how an L cut slips. It works fine for me.

I don't know anything about NeoEDVD, but maybe it does not handle the MainConcept codec. Use Encore DVD.

Yes, there are workflow differences. You get used to them and they start to make sense after a while. Then you will probably realize your work gets done faster.

There is no guarantee that the workflow and layout will endure, but it probably will, as will tech support.

Yes, HDV is a dog. If you can afford HDV, then spend the money on Aspect HD 4.0 and it makes HDV as easy as DV.

You need to chat with Adobe Marketing folks. Maybe attend one of the roadshows?

Or just upgrade your PC and your software and then worry about what happens three years from now, at that time.