Joseph Andolina
February 9th, 2006, 04:40 PM
I'm in the middle of a project which might wrap this weekend. I've been shooting over here in Seattle/Everett WA area. All the prior weekend ext. shoots have been totally overcast. Now all of a sudden, we will be faced this Saturday & probably Sunday with sun! Now what? What is the best sollution to keeping ext. shots looking consistant? Will ND Filters help? We are using a Matte Box with various ND Filters. If we can avoid shadows, and use certain stops of ND's, will that work at all? Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
Andrew Khalil
February 9th, 2006, 06:03 PM
using additional lighting or bouncing light from underneath objects/faces to reduce shadow might help.
Also, white balancing or colour correcting to make the image cooler will help.
John Hudson
February 9th, 2006, 06:22 PM
Without knowing your time or budget constraints:
Bill Zens
February 10th, 2006, 07:11 PM
Joseph, I'm looking out my office window now in Edmonds, WA and for the first time in months, I'm seeing shadows. Yahoo!!!
That said, here's a simple solution to your shadows, if you can keep your shots relatively tight.
I have made something similar to the diffusers shown in B+H pages attached. Go to the home depot, buy about 40 lf of 1" or 1.25" PVC, with 4 ea 90 deg "ells". Go to their electrical section and buy a bag of those nylon ties that they use to handcuff the bad guys on Cops with. Then go down to a linens store, maybe a JC Penney or Sears and buy the cheapest sheets you can find, of course keeping them pure white in color. Make a frame out of the PVC, and attach the sheets to the frame with the straps.
You'll need someone to hold it up, or will need to get a little more creative with the PVC and make a stand, but it will act as a very effective diffuser for you.
Happy Shooting.
Joseph Andolina
February 10th, 2006, 11:50 PM
thank you all for your reaponses and helpful ideas.
And Bill, isn't it ironic that over here in WA we can't wait to experience a sunny day like it was today, and all of a sudden, we have to wish for a over cast day instead?
Anyway, I guess I'll see soon enough how the weather really will be.