View Full Version : Ojai DV Camp dates

Geoff Zimmerman
January 2nd, 2002, 09:24 PM
Ran into a cool DV workshop slated Jan. 26-27 in Ojai, California called 'Introduction to DV Moviemaking' all about shooting, lighting, editing and delivery of your video images all this at an affordable $$ price.
Check out their website at

Chris Hurd
August 24th, 2002, 10:56 PM
The Ojai DV Camp brings the magic of Hollywood professionals to their upcoming DV PRODUCTION MASTERCLASS with a special “behind the scenes” screening of selected footage from Steven Soderbergh’s first predominately digital feature.

Full Frontal was filmed with tools accessible to almost any filmmaker. A showcase of innovative digital workflow, the film was shot primarily with Canon’s XL-1S PAL. Actual excerpts from the film will be screened and the following top professionals will comment on the director’s vision for the movie and their experience: Tim Smith, Canon, USA, the film’s tech advisor and Les Meek, FotoKem film lab liaison. We anticipate surprise guests, including producer Scott Kramer who’ll share his views on pre-production and more...

The workshop is slated for Saturday & Sunday October 5-6 9am to 5pm at the Oak Grove School, located at 220 W. Lomita Street in Ojai, CA The course fee is $325. Enrollment is limited. Be sure to sign up early! For more info Call (805) 640-7122 or Visit:


note... if you'd like to discuss the movie itself, we have two Full Frontal review threads going, at:


-- please pick up the conversation at those locations. Thanks,

Geoff Zimmerman
September 19th, 2002, 06:24 PM
“Full Frontal” Goes Behind the Scenes at Ojai DV Camp

(For Immediate Release) The Ojai DV Camp brings Hollywood professionals to their upcoming DV PRODUCTION MASTERCLASS with a special “Behind the Scenes” commentary and the screening of selected footage from Steven Soderbergh’s first predominately digital feature.

Participants will learn about camerawork, lighting, sound recording and editing from professionals currently working in the industry. They’ll get to see all the cool tech tools and learn how to make your project efficiently. The camp is noted for its casual atmosphere and gives everyone plenty of time for informal discussions with the teaching staff.

Tim Smith, Canon, USA, Full Frontal’s tech advisor and Les Meek, FotoKem film lab liaison will comment on Soderbergh’s vision for the movie and their experience working with him. If we’re lucky we may have a surprise guest or two.

The weekend workshop is slated for Saturday & Sunday October 5-6 from 9am to 5pm at the Oak Grove School, located at 220 W. Lomita Street in Ojai, CA. Course fee is $325.
The Full Frontal commentary and screening is open to the public. Seating is limited. Admission is $35. A certain number of seats are available and free to local students.
For info call (805) 640-7122 or Visit