View Full Version : Unintentional Fatherhood...

Shawn Alyasiri
February 6th, 2006, 03:33 PM
Thanks again to everyone for your posts, footage, advice, critiques and forum friendship. I have actually come back to Canon, and today I ordered an H1 - cigars for everyone...

It will join it's sibling HDV's (Z1 & HD100) in a messy crib, ready for a bunch of testing, prior to production use and availability for rental. Will look forward to putting it on the mini35's as well, so see what kind of results we can get. Even got it's first set of glasses - a Zeiss T/1.3 superset. I'm hoping for good math scores...

Hopefully we'll adopt a bigger brother this summer as well, hailing from Grass Valley. We'll have to see.

Thanks again for all the help - couldn't/wouldn't have done it without you - truly...


Barlow Elton
February 7th, 2006, 01:02 AM
Congratulations, Shawn! I hope the H1 is a standout sibling in a very interesting little family you have.

Please share the joys as well as the growing pains of your little baby with us.
