George Ferrell
February 6th, 2006, 05:22 AM
Thought some of you may be interested in these. I am having to do a lot of work in DV till Avid gets there act together. Also Iam using the camera in the broadcast realm and have to match DVC Pro 50 cameras. Everyone is very impressed with the pics and even the techs are hard pressed to pick the difference.
DVCPRO AJD-910 Settings
Master Black Normal
Detail 5
V/H Balance Normal
H Frequency Middle
V Frequency --------
Skin Detect on
Level -1
Black Compress1
White Clip 108%
Knee Manual
Level 85%
Cinelike Off
Colour Matrix Standard
R Gain -2
R Rotation Normal
G Gain -1
G Rotation Normal
B Gain 1
B Rotation Normal
Gamma Standard
Level Normal
Colour Gain 5
Peter Dolman
February 6th, 2006, 09:36 AM
great info, thanks for posting this
note: it is interesting to see the detail setting at 5 ... most of what I read on this forum and others seem to suggest that detail should be set on the other end of the spectrum at minimum .... I guess it all depends on desired look
what is your opinion? I realize that your settings in this instance are relative to matching the DVC Pro 50 ... yet were it not for having to match cameras, would you chose to shoot with the detail as such?
Thanks again,
George Ferrell
February 6th, 2006, 02:31 PM
Peter I realise its different to what everyone is saying but for these particular shoots it seems perfect. The cameras were matched on Vector scope by a Tech till they were identical. Not sure if I will leave them there for HDV. We will try and match it to other cameras as well. Dubbed some footage to Digi beta the other day and no complaints.
For the money spent we're very impressed with the pics. Hopefully we will be shooting with the 2/3 adapter and a broadcast lens soon. the pics can only get better.
Diogo Athouguia
February 6th, 2006, 07:13 PM
We will try and match it to other cameras as well.
I wonder how should settings be set to match DVCAM cameras like DSR-390... if you'll try this match please post. I have no experience with Panasonic DVCPRO cameras, is their image similar to Sony DVCAM cameras? If I set my HD101 with this settings will it match a DSR-390?
George Ferrell
February 6th, 2006, 08:45 PM
Diogo, we matched the the camera to DVCPRO50 which is basically the same quality as Digi beta. It should have no problems matching to DV Cam. The only area of concern is the lens but you have to work with what you have. We are looking forward to the new lens's due this year.
Diogo Athouguia
February 6th, 2006, 09:45 PM
I will try those settings and see if it matches the DSR390. Thanks.
Peter Dolman
February 7th, 2006, 12:06 AM
I went out today with your settings and shot some sports action footage
I then changed my settings to the wide latitude stretch 3 .... colour settings back to 0 or normal
I have to say that for that type of sports action shot I much prefer the compress 1 with colour bumped up a bit ... maybe not as high as 5 but lilely at 2 or 3 ...
question about the detail at 5? was that 5 up from normal ... or 5 up from off?
Maurice Jolly
February 10th, 2006, 11:37 PM
Diogo, we matched the the camera to DVCPRO50 which is basically the same quality as Digi beta. It should have no problems matching to DV Cam. The only area of concern is the lens but you have to work with what you have. We are looking forward to the new lens's due this year.
this may be a stupid question, but what format and frame rate did you shoot in to match dvcpro 50.
Vincent Rozenberg
February 11th, 2006, 02:54 AM
@ Maurice: If you read the first post I think DV, since he's still in a DV environment.
Maurice Jolly
February 11th, 2006, 12:56 PM
@ Maurice: If you read the first post I think DV, since he's still in a DV environment.
thank you vincent, i read right through that.