Dennis Cummins
February 3rd, 2006, 09:32 AM
Hey guys, quick question! I’m putting a couple of video clips up on the web. I’m using a Mac and QuickTime. A lot of people I know use pc’s and don’t use QuickTime. is there any way I can put the clips up and let the user view it on what they have in their system i.e. windows media player, QuickTime etc. At the moment the only way you can view them is if you download QuickTime and I feel this is reducing my audience.
Any suggestion is most welcomed. Cheers.
Mike Teutsch
February 3rd, 2006, 09:44 AM
Hey guys, quick question! I’m putting a couple of video clips up on the web. I’m using a Mac and QuickTime. A lot of people I know use pc’s and don’t use QuickTime. is there any way I can put the clips up and let the user view it on what they have in their system i.e. windows media player, QuickTime etc. At the moment the only way you can view them is if you download QuickTime and I feel this is reducing my audience.
Any suggestion is most welcomed. Cheers.
I don't know of a way for you to post one that will cover both formats, most just post in both formats. But, it may not be as necessary as you think.
Most PC users have QT in some version, as it is almost required to surf around the net these days. Just don't use QT7 in any form, as it has proven, so far, to be problematic for most PC users.
Good luck!
Dennis Cummins
February 3rd, 2006, 10:41 AM
Thanks Mike. Damn, i was thinking of using QT7 as i wanted to use H.624, i havent heard of any problems,. anyone else?
Bryon Akerman
February 3rd, 2006, 10:47 AM
Yeah, my buddy posted a couple of clips on his site that I did for him. I did them in QT7 for the same reason, I wanted to use h.264. We had to put a notice on there that you had to have the latest version of Quicktime to see it, becasue they were getting complaints guessed it...PC users.
Bryon <><
I still post them that way, though...
Dennis Cummins
February 3rd, 2006, 11:13 AM
yeah but once you have QT7 im sure it will be fine. H.264 rocks!
Mike Teutsch
February 3rd, 2006, 12:04 PM
yeah but once you have QT7 im sure it will be fine. H.264 rocks!
I'm sure it does, as I have heard that from many! But, the fact is at this time it does not play well with a lot of PC's and their programs. Like Mine!!!!