View Full Version : Spielberg Color Correction

Bruce Meyers
February 2nd, 2006, 07:19 PM
Lately S-berg's been making a lot of films with this neat bleach bypass/bluish desatured effect where the whites/highlights seem blurred and diffused... I.E. Munich/Minority Report/War of The Worlds/ How does one in FCP using their color correction tools do something along the lines of blurring JUST the whites/highlights witha kind of gaussian diffusion? I apply gaussian blur to a clip sometimes/layer it ontop a duplicate then do blending modes like screen/soft light, but it blurs everything in the color spectrum, I just want to isolate the whites/highlights to create a glowing/halo effect like spielberg is doing lately, I know there's a way to do it, could someone please detail this process?

Tim Dashwood
February 2nd, 2006, 08:08 PM
You're on the right track, but instead of using transfer functions apply a chroma or luma key and isolate the areas you want to blur.

The easy method is to use Magic Bullet for Editors. You can download the demo plugins at

Evan Donn
February 8th, 2006, 01:43 AM
I think you'll actually get a smoother result sticking with the transfer modes - but the trick is to add in a levels or contrast filter to push the stuff other than the highlights close to black before blurring the highlights.