View Full Version : I'm hiring a XL1S - some advice needed

Stephen Bennett
February 2nd, 2006, 11:03 AM
Hi all

I'm hiring an XL1S for a weekend for a short narrative film shoot (in frame mode) and I've a couple of questions that I'd like to ask you seasoned XL1S'ers!

I'll be shooting mainly indoors (house, railway station) using natural light. If anyone has any advice for getting the best out of the camera, I'd appreciate it.

I'll be editing in Final Cut Pro HD 4. Could someone let me know what capure settings I need to use? I'll be shooting in 16x9.

I'll be using an external shotgun mic, but recording onto the XL1S rather than anexternal recorder Will I have any problems doing this?



Richard Alvarez
February 2nd, 2006, 11:23 AM
YOu shouldn't have any problems withe FCP and the Xl1s in 16:9. Just be advised that it's a 'fake' 16:9 arrived at by interpollation. It will import and cut just fine.

You will need an adapter to run an externall mike. Most people use the MA100, with two xlr inputs on it, you can also use a Beachtek or similar adapter.

Have fun.

Bryon Akerman
February 2nd, 2006, 11:31 AM
I have the ma-200 on mine and it works great for audio. As far as the lighting goes, its hard to tell through the viewfinder what your getting, so my suggestion is this. Either get the FU-1000 viewfinder, which I have and I love, or hook up to a small BW CRT monitor to check lighting levels and focus. It can be hard to focus correctly using the standard viewfinder. Use the Zebra in the viewfinder to help with your lighting settings.

I like to use full manual mode for most shooting and then adjust the shutter and iris as needed. I run my contrast a little high when I'm shooting because it works a little better with my effects in post.

As far as capturing goes. Just use anamorphic capture settings and anamorphic project settings and you should be fine.

Hope this helps!

Bryon <><

Phil French
February 2nd, 2006, 01:49 PM
I think you may not be entirely happy with your finished product, if you are using 16:9 and frame mode on an XL1s. I don't recommend that you do either - never mind both together. These settings will decrease your resolution. If you need to shoot in frame/ 16:9 you might want to find an XL2.

Ash Greyson
February 2nd, 2006, 02:39 PM
16:9 will soften it more than frame mode. Unless you shoot a chart, you wont see much difference from frame and normal mode. The 16:9 will soften up the image enough to cover some of the noise you migh get from having to push up the gain to get an image in natural lighting.

As far as the settings. I would adjust the colors 2 notches toward green and turn down the setup level several notches. Color saturation is up to you but the more saturated, the more noisy.

It is VERY VERY important in the fake 16:9 to leave the aperature wide open when possible, not only to help limit the DOF but to avoid further softening of the image. Also try to use the lens long, meaning zoomed 8X-16X when possible. This will help shallow the DOF but will create some softness at the end of the zoom.

ash =o)

Stephen Bennett
February 3rd, 2006, 03:47 AM
Thanks for the advice so far. I will be doing some test shooting before I actually film, so I'll bear it all in mind.

