View Full Version : Here's a brain teaser for ya...

Chaz Kempter
February 1st, 2006, 10:47 PM
Is there any way to control the record (on/off) function on the HC! from 30 feet away?

I have tried the remote but from that far away you cannot tell if it is recording because you can't see the little record light in bright daylight or hear the little record beep from that distance.

What to do?

I'm filming my kids' tennis matches. The camera is mounted high on the fence - way out of reach. Since the tapes are only 60 minutes and the matches typically last much longer, I would like to be able to pause filming during the match (editing out change-overs, ball chasing, etc.). This will essentially distill each match to fit one tape (and still allow enough time for commercials :). Trouble is I can't tell if the remote is actually working until I take the camera down and find out it didn't.

If you don't know something that could help me, I would appreciate it if you could invent something.

Another facet of the problem in my situation is that the remote only works when pointed towards the front of the camera. I would have to be on the court in order to do this. Not good! I would like to be able to control the camera from the SIDE at aprx. 30' away. Am I dreaming? Surely this is possible!!!

A lanc-controller with a 30' wire? Is there such a thing? Think it would work?

Wolfgang Winne
February 2nd, 2006, 01:26 AM
look here: (15.01.2006 15:43)
Lanc control LPC DV 16T with feedback LED's.

sold this controller on ....... this shop sold 100 meter aktiv lanc-wire!

Karl Heiner
February 2nd, 2006, 01:57 AM
look here: (15.01.2006 15:43)
Lanc control LPC DV 16T with feedback LED's.

sold this controller on ....... this shop sold 100 meter aktiv lanc-wire!

hallo wolfgang,

intressante web seite.


Wolfgang Winne
February 2nd, 2006, 02:01 AM
@Karl Heiner

Danke! Endlich mal einer der hier deutsch spricht ;-)

Stu Holmes
February 2nd, 2006, 10:17 AM
Liebe Wolfgang und Karl

mich auch!
ja - haben wir jetzt drei.
Vielleicht vier oder ...


Alex Horvath
February 2nd, 2006, 10:46 AM
Another solution would be a cheapy spycam with a transmitter, which is attached to the redlight and you can look at a small LCD Monitor. Quality is not an issue, so the setup could be pretty cheap...

...fünf, Grüße aus den Bergen bei Kaiserwetter


Wolfgang Winne
February 2nd, 2006, 11:22 AM
...fünf, Grüße aus den Bergen bei Kaiserwetter


na, was quäle ich mich hier die ganze Zeit in englisch ab? ;-)

Karl Heiner
February 2nd, 2006, 11:33 AM
na, was quäle ich mich hier die ganze Zeit in englisch ab? ;-)

vielleicht koennen wir den betreiber ueberreden einen deutschen strang aufzumachen?


may be we can talk the board owner into a german section?

Chaz Kempter
February 2nd, 2006, 07:44 PM
Well guys, it's like I always say "if ya ain't learning somethin' new every day... you was too smart to begin with."

Me? I don't have that problem, so I'm learning something new every day. I think my solution will be as Wolfgang suggested (As best as I could surmize) and that is a lanc controller with a long cable to toggle record on and off. Sweet.
It's always an adventure to get advice from Wolfgang because of the language barrier. But keep up the good work Wolf! Thanks for your imput! or should I say.. danke?

Wolfgang Winne
February 7th, 2006, 02:55 AM

here is my videoblog HC1 in english. The webmaster of xeen3d translatet this blog, i hope this english is better as babelfish.