View Full Version : After Effects film look

Mike Cornett
February 1st, 2006, 01:07 PM
Hello to all. I have been given a great technique to use on After Effects.

Here goes...

1- Import a video clip into A.E. (remember to interperlate the footage)
2- Duplicate the footage

3- On the top layer of the video: Apply a Gaussian blur-10; apply Levels next-bring the both little handles on the histogram in a little on each side. I wish I could explain this part better. I belief this sures up the contast; Finally, set Opacity to 50%

Then insert 2 solids in between the 2 video layers

4-Shadow Layer: create a solid (orange/warm=O' Brother look or blue/cold=Matrix look) Opacity 10% to 40%

5-Highlight Layer: create a solid (white or aqua) Opacity 10%; other adjustments to fool around with on this layer-Curves, Levels, Hue/Sat.

I used this technique on some pictures with stunning results! I suspect I could also add some Noise too.

Does anyone else have any other film techniques they use with After Effects?


Jean-Francois Robichaud
February 1st, 2006, 02:01 PM
Well there is always the fake bleach-bypass look:

- Duplicate footage
- Make top layer black and white
- Select Screen transfer mode for top layer

- Apply Levels to top layer and adjust to liking