View Full Version : Sony 900 and P+S

Gary McClurg
January 27th, 2006, 09:11 PM
I did a search but nothing came up...

I was wondering if anyone has any information about using the P&S with the 900...

What I do know is that you have to adjust your back focus... now that's just to the adapter, right...

In other words you don't have to adjust your back focus each time you change lens...

Thanks in advance...


Jason Varner
January 27th, 2006, 10:23 PM
As far as I know you have to check the back focus every time you change a lens. Even if somewhere it said you don't have to I would. For searching you might look up pro 35 which is the 2/3 version of the mini 35. Good Luck, Jason.

Gary McClurg
January 27th, 2006, 10:32 PM
Thanks Jason...

Chris Hurd
January 27th, 2006, 11:12 PM
The 2/3rd-inch version is called the Pro 35.

Moved thread to P+S Technik forum.

Nick Hiltgen
January 31st, 2006, 10:45 AM
I'll never argue that checking backfocus for each lens is a bad idea, but in my experience with the pro35 with the 900 it wasn't really neccessary, as most of the time it holds pretty well. good rule of thumb is check it in the morning, after lunch and when there are major location moves (indoor to outdoors that sort of thing)

Charles Papert
January 31st, 2006, 10:58 AM
The backfocus adjustment is at the adaptor only so the only reason you would need to adjust it when changing lenses is if you were jamming the sucker in and out of the lens port...! The backfocus regulates the focus on the ground glass, which does effectively the focal plane of the system.

Nick Hiltgen
February 1st, 2006, 01:19 AM
Just reread my post, uh when I said wasn't really necessary I meant for every lens, just as charles said, if you're super rough with the lens change (what are you doing near the camera and) that would be the reason for adjusting backfocus every shot.

Gary McClurg
February 1st, 2006, 09:41 AM
Thanks guys... haven't shot with either so... I needed to know some things...

Anyone know who has the best rental price in town on a 900... I might go with a owner/operator down here in OC as my DIT... but always looking for a better deal...

Nick Hiltgen
February 3rd, 2006, 09:12 AM
Gary, I'd say that's equal parts risky and smart, most D.I.T.'s that I know don't own therr own camera, and most camera owners I know aren't really D.I.T.'s However if you can get a good deal then it may be worth it. The usual suspects in town will give you a pretty good price (plus 8, VER, etc) How long is your shoot? that will play pretty heavily into it as well. And out of professional curiosity who's the owner/operator D.I.T.?

I'm not positive but Clarimont is the only place I know of that has the pro 35 adapter for rent. Mike Condon (the head engineer over there) probably has a short list of D.I.T.'s (which I'm not on...) that he would suggest as well.