View Full Version : Buying a green screen, help!

Roger Rosales
January 26th, 2006, 10:06 PM
I've been looking into investing in a green screen, but I'm confused as to what I should consider before I buy. I've seen some great prices with a 11'x25' green screen WITH the stand on ebay go for $185. here's a link to that:

Do any of you have experience with that particular green screen? I was also looking at a green screen back drop on B&H that is far les than that (about half the price) and a little smaller. here's the link to that one:

Generally speaking, what is the difference between green screen backdrops? What makes one better than another? I want to buy one ASAP, but I don't want to jump in without knowing jack.

What should I know before I decide to buy one?

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Andrew Khalil
January 26th, 2006, 10:51 PM
I'm also new to this but I'll let you know what I've found out so far:
the one on ebay looks good to me. The one you're looking at at BH is muslin which is more like paper than fabric - the one I'm currently planning to buy is this one:

it's the same size, but is more of a fabric than paper and has a cool frame on the back piece which makes it easier to fold.