View Full Version : Cartoni Beta head

Daniel Riser
January 25th, 2006, 11:09 PM
I was going to purchase the Cartoni Focus. I recently worked with one on a shoot and loved it but the owner told me that he's already noticing problems with the drag function for tilting. He says the pan drag is much stronger than the tilt drag and doesn't give him the kind of professional control he prefers... so I'm turning my attention to the discontinued Cartoni Beta. I use a Canon XL2 so I think the head will work for my camera. Anyone out there own one? What do you think?

Thanks in advance for your replies,

Daniel Riser

Jim Michael
January 26th, 2006, 06:23 AM
I was going to purchase the Cartoni Focus. I recently worked with one on a shoot and loved it but the owner told me that he's already noticing problems with the drag function for tilting. He says the pan drag is much stronger than the tilt drag and doesn't give him the kind of professional control he prefers... so I'm turning my attention to the discontinued Cartoni Beta. I use a Canon XL2 so I think the head will work for my camera. Anyone out there own one? What do you think?
Daniel Riser

Interesting comment on the Focus. I thought there was something wrong with the counterbalance and tilt drag adjustment on mine and the "user manual" wasn't clear on the allowable ranges for the settings. The counterbalance was apparently set to the strongest setting and the tilt was very stiff for my Z1. I had to dial a lot of CB out in order to get it to balance. The drag on both axes seems to have plenty of range on mine. What did they have mounted on it?

Daniel Riser
January 26th, 2006, 10:49 AM
A Canon XL2.

If you noticed the same thing then the director didn't get a defective head but this must be a design flaw.

I wonder if the beta has similiar issues.

I guess I'll lean toward Sachtler now

Les Wilson
January 27th, 2006, 06:28 AM
I have a FOcus and I don't experience what you describe. One thing I did was reposition the attachment screw on the plate so I could move my camera further forward on the head and thereby get better balance when I trick out the MA100 with a bunch of accessories.

Daniel Riser
January 27th, 2006, 12:00 PM
I will recommend that to the director of that show I was on and may re-consider purchasing the focus over a used Sachtler.

What is the weight of your camera sir?

Highest Regards,

Daniel Riser

Les Wilson
January 27th, 2006, 01:23 PM
I am unsure of the total weight. It is an XL1s with MA100 and 2 SK100 Sennheiser receivers mounted on the ma100... maybe 8 pounds altogether....the balance is key.