View Full Version : Problems Exporting Movie de-interlaced

Matt Vanecek
January 22nd, 2006, 02:03 PM
In PPro 1.5.1, with AspectHD 4.0 trial.

Win XP SP2
AMD 64 X2 4200
2G memory

Project is a Cineform HD 1440x1080, 60i project. I captured from my FX1, which footage was shot at 60i (CineFrame OFF) HDV.

Trying to export a DV clip from an HDV clip, deinterlaced, is failing without doing some workarounds.

I Cntl-M and select Settings. Change the Cineform HD Export to NTSC DV. Change frame rate to NTSC @ 29.97, and aspect ratio I changed to NTSC 16:9. On Keyframe and Rendering I selected the Deinterlace checkbox, as I always do. Ok, Save. Render lasts about 1/4 second, and the resulting 17KB AVI file is corrupt (is that even enough space for the AVI header?).

Tried exiting and restarting PPro. Same results. Added the AspectHD Force Render effect, and the render seems to kick off. Of course it took a while, because the effect was applied--18min for a 6min clip. Is that average, for just having the Force Render effect?

Did not have this issue with the standard 1.5.1/HDV Plugin.

Any thoughts?


Michael Stewart
January 22nd, 2006, 03:39 PM
Hey Matt what effect are you using?


Matt Vanecek
January 22nd, 2006, 10:03 PM
I'm using the ApsectHD Force Render effect.
