Rob Tanguay
January 18th, 2006, 10:01 AM
This is my first so bear with me. We have been capturing video by way of DV Rack using XL2s. Worked great! We have just purchased the JVC GY-HD100U and DV Rack HDV pack. DV Rack now captures everything as .m2t. You know the story, generation loss while editing, etc. Do I need to go back to capturing from tape or can I take the .m2t files and encode them to .avi without losing quality and what software is good for this. I'm running Premiere Pro 1.5 on a 3.4 g pentium with 2 g memory. The whole idea of DV rack was so we wouldn't spend time capturing. Help! Thank you
Dylan Pank
January 18th, 2006, 10:56 AM
It depends what codec you want to use. You could convert to a lossless codec like HuffYUV but playback would be pretty sticky and you'd need acres of RAM. In terms of software, you might want to look at VirtualDub-MPEG and HDTV2MPEG if you want to use HuffYUV.
The Cineform Codec has a spectacular reputation, I'm sure David Newman is around here somewhere to give you morte guidance.
Thing is you'd HAVE to convert from MPEG2 to another codec, you can't wrap an MPEG2 720P file in an .avi container unfortunately, you you might save time on digitising but you'll spend it converting.
Cineform has it's own conversion software I think.
Graham Hickling
January 18th, 2006, 11:06 AM
Given that you are working in Premiere, you'll find Cineform's AspectHD product to be the best thing since sliced bread!
You can capture either from within Premiere or with the standalone Cineform capture tool. Either way, as you capture the .ts data there will be a .ts to avi conversion process running in the background. Not quite realtime with your computer, but shortly after you finish capturing the converted avi file will be ready.