Brian Petersen
January 17th, 2006, 01:31 PM
When reading various threads, specifcially about noise and sensitivity with the HVX, I often come across people saying stuff like, "Well, these were run and gun shots, when the scene is lit correctly, it will be beautiful."
It makes sense in fully lit situations. I understand the concept of adding light where it's too dark and taking away light where it's too light to stay within the dynamic range of the camera. But what about low-key lighting? Does "correct" lighting apply there as well? What if I want the shadows to fall into black. Is it correct to leave the shadows out of the range of the senstitivty or should I be adding light to the shadows to bring it just within the dynamic range of the camera and then crush the blacks in post if I want it totally black?
Do I still follow the general rule of adding light to shadows and taking away light from highlights to have everything fit in the dynamic range when dealing with low-key noir style scenes? How does doing that affect noise performace? How would NOT doing that affect noise performace?
In the footage I've seen it seems I see noise in the barely lit portions of the frame, but not really any noise in the sections where there is no light (like the night sky). I just don't understand how "proper" or "correct" lighting will eliminate or diminish noise in noir type shots where the actor's face itself goes from highlight on one side to complete black shadow on the other. How can you control or elimnate noise in a shot like that?
It makes sense in fully lit situations. I understand the concept of adding light where it's too dark and taking away light where it's too light to stay within the dynamic range of the camera. But what about low-key lighting? Does "correct" lighting apply there as well? What if I want the shadows to fall into black. Is it correct to leave the shadows out of the range of the senstitivty or should I be adding light to the shadows to bring it just within the dynamic range of the camera and then crush the blacks in post if I want it totally black?
Do I still follow the general rule of adding light to shadows and taking away light from highlights to have everything fit in the dynamic range when dealing with low-key noir style scenes? How does doing that affect noise performace? How would NOT doing that affect noise performace?
In the footage I've seen it seems I see noise in the barely lit portions of the frame, but not really any noise in the sections where there is no light (like the night sky). I just don't understand how "proper" or "correct" lighting will eliminate or diminish noise in noir type shots where the actor's face itself goes from highlight on one side to complete black shadow on the other. How can you control or elimnate noise in a shot like that?