View Full Version : Frezzi mini - more questions

Ross Milligan
January 6th, 2003, 07:00 AM
A couple of questions about using a dimmable frezzi mini......

1. Do they give off lots of heat?

The reason I am asking is that I would be using the camera/lamp in an operating theatre environment and too much heat can dry out a wound and cause anaesthetic problems. I normally bounce 4 redheads to raise the general illumination level in the theatre and make use of the operating lamp but recently I've been doing some stuff deep in the abdomen and having a directional lamp would be handy. I'm not looking for anything exact but would anyone say that 2 - 3 feet from the lamp there is a significant warming effect?

2. I have saftey glass on the redheads. My worst nightmare is a bulb blowing and glass chards entering the open wound (arrgh I don't even want to think about it..... glass cannot be picked up on xray). Has anyone ever had a blub blow, as in shatter?

Any help would be appreciated as patient safety is my primary concern.


John Locke
January 6th, 2003, 09:59 AM

I've had mine cranked up full power for about 10 minutes now testing it out for you...and I'm happy to report no heat at all. Not even up close. Even the casing stays cool.

Ross Milligan
January 7th, 2003, 05:46 AM
John, you are an absolute star! That is my main worry answered but have you ever heard of a bulb popping in a big way?


John Locke
January 7th, 2003, 08:59 AM

I've been in still photography for about 20 years and DV now for about 3...and I've never experienced a bulb exploding. I would imagine the chances of that being astronomical.

But I do have a suggestion, Frezzi also has a softbox that actually just has a clear plastic cover that doesn't diffuse the light at all until you add the slide in filters. That would contain any bulb parts, I'm sure, and still give you the option of diffusing or direct beam.

Star? Moi? But of course...

Ross Milligan
January 8th, 2003, 06:05 AM
That's good enough for me! .... now where is that order pad?

Thanks for your help on this one, I feel more confident now about buying one of these useful little bits of kit and I will invest in the softbox.



Mike Rehmus
January 12th, 2003, 01:41 PM
Take a look at the mini Frezzi HMI. 18 watt power consumption, the size of an orange juice can. Equivalent to a 50 watt Halogen bulb and Daylight color temperature.

At NAB, the Fezzi sales guy was wandering around with it on top of a Sony PC-110!