View Full Version : Thanks 4EVER Group!

Chris M. Watson
January 14th, 2006, 07:25 PM
I wanted to thank those of you who were in Florida that attended my seminar. I hope you had a great time and learned something that can be used in your next production.

To be asked to speak at a convention where you have PixelPops, Mark and Trisha, Randy Stubbs, Robert Allen, John Goolsby, etc. speaking alongside you....well it's both flattering and humbling at the same time and I appreciate the opportunity given by Tim and Steve for me to give back something to the videography community. I think they put together a great show and as people start streaming in I'm sure you'll feel like you're in an echo chamber. What I've been hearing on the floor was overwhelmingly positive.

Personally, the best thing about the convention was the networking. It was roughly a 6-1 speaker to attendee ratio so you could really have some face time with great videographers who were very generous with their time. I had the pleasure of getting to know Steve and Laura Moses better as well as Jeff Wright along with spending some time with members of the Atlanta association who showed up in pretty strong numbers. Just a great group of folks. Would love to come down and visit some time. I also got to meet David Lai and his wife who are some of the most down to earth people you can meet.

Again thanks for coming not only to my workshop but also coming down to Florida. You really have ownership in the success of this convention and I hope you found the trip as worthwhile as I did.

For those who couldn't make it down to FL or want to see it again, I do have what was taught at the seminar on DVD with narration. Just get in touch with me if you're interested. Thanks!

Chris Watson
Watson Videography

PS: Where were you Glen? We missed you down there.

Chris M. Watson
January 16th, 2006, 02:57 PM
BTW, here's the notes....

Chris Watson