View Full Version : Going into production soon!

Geoffrey Pepos
January 14th, 2006, 02:56 AM
Hi all,

The set is nearly complete. The script is tight and the lines are already cut that don't need to be there. The actors have been prepped. One more rehearsal t'morrow with the leads. They know the beats and their arcs. The costumes are nearly there. Just bought some excellent cowboy boots for John Savage today at Saint Vincents in LA. SAG is satisfied. Most of the eBay props have arrived. Plus scored a great sounding piano as a set piece for 100 bucks. Not bad...for a months worth of days work. Oh. Tech stuff. The focus of this forum. Almost forgot.

Got the HD100U a couple of days ago. Feels so good in my hands. Wafian box ready to go. Cineform has been oh so very helpful as well as many others. Picked up a very heavy HD monitor from Sony t'day. Have been able to minimize CA with the stock lens with our lighting choices...going unique here. Great gaffer/filmmaker on board. He's sleeping on set t'night. I call him a Method Gaffer. The other part of the power trio is my sound cam right hand man who spent the day with me in a rented truck.

Burying cheap theatre 500W fresnels in the ground to up light the trees. A few 650's. A chimera. Some odd gels. A 1K that some TV show left here years ago.

The horses are wondering what is going on.

Going forward. Will tell more soon. Maybe in a blog. Will let you know.

Ah, filmmaking. It's like a kid's Christmas morning every day.

Take Care

Jim Exton
January 14th, 2006, 08:04 AM
Sounds like a blast, keep us update. Screen shots welcome.

Richard Alvarez
January 14th, 2006, 08:18 AM

As a filmmaker and stunt rider, my advice is to get the horses on set around the gear early. Give them time to get acclimated to the lights and reflectors and such.

DON'T put an inexperienced rider on a horse that's new to a film set.

Sounds like you are on the good path, have fun!