View Full Version : Need more color, less flat.

Daniel Patton
January 10th, 2006, 05:00 PM
I'm shooting with the HD100 tonight at a book release, and would like to set the camera up to look closer to that of our Canon XL1s. I'm not shooting with both cameras, just the HD100 so it does not have to be a true match. I simply would like to get a little more color saturation from the JVC than the out of box setttings. Our Canon does a great job, it's just not HD.

The delivery is not broadcast but web, and I tend to color correct after every shoot since the JVC's settings out of the box are a bit flat. I would like to avoid all the post CC work with this camera, or at least reduce it some. Has anyone created a scene file that might do the trick? Or just share your ideas on some settings I could try?

Thanks guys.

Nate Weaver
January 10th, 2006, 05:40 PM
Color gain +3 or +4.

Matt Goldberg
January 10th, 2006, 06:29 PM
If indoors, turn off the FAW, increase the WB red by at least 10, which in most all cases noticeably warms the color. Put to use the Cinelike mode in Advanced Process menu if you are shooting in 720p/24.

Daniel Patton
January 10th, 2006, 09:28 PM
I arrived 30 minutes early to set up, only to find out that they started 30 minutes earlier than they had said they would. So I arrived just as it was starting, talk about a cluster *&^%!! I still managed to get all but the first 5 minutes, but I had no time to tweak any of the camera settings.

Regardless, thank you Nate, I'll try that for the next shoot. I had cranked it up some time back, but reset it to the default when I noticed some color bleeding. Maybe it was set too high.

Matt, I'll also give that a try as I noticed it tends to WB a bit cold for my taste. However, I didn't like the look of the Cinelike mode for shooting documentary / corporate type work.