View Full Version : Kill Bill - Quentin Tarantino

Paul Sedillo
January 3rd, 2003, 07:24 AM
The trailer has just been released for the forth coming Quentin Tarantino film - Kill Bill:

Matt Betea
January 3rd, 2003, 05:03 PM
Looks like it'll be a good, fast-paced movie. Personally I hope it's not loaded with "the matrix" type fx.

Joe Carney
January 3rd, 2003, 05:04 PM
Looks like a cool homage to Bruce Lee, except with Kantanas.
Of course Uma Thurman looks much better in a yellow jump suit than Bruce ever could.
Hell, with Lucy Liu, I'll see it anyway.

Paul Sedillo
January 3rd, 2003, 05:25 PM

The wire work looks excellent. It looks very similar to most Hong Kong type martial arts films. I would be very suprised if they have anything close to the Matrix.


Great call on the Bruce Lee homage. From what I have seen in the trailer, it looks very much like a Bruce Lee type of movie. I am amped up to see it.

John Locke
January 3rd, 2003, 06:50 PM
When was this made? Usually, you hear about gaijin movies in production over here. But I never heard a peep about this one. It'll be great to see something filmed on home turf for a change.

Imran Zaidi
January 3rd, 2003, 08:27 PM
I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but this trailer seems like a joke, like in a few months the real trailer will come out and it'll actually seem like a Tarantino flick. As it looks now, it seems like some artificial thing cooked up in one of those Simpson's episodes with McBain the Arnold-like action star.

God I hope there are no catch phrases...

Also, I wonder if the title has anything to do with that old radio station from Reservoir Dogs... K-Billy Super Sounds of the 70s...

Matt Betea
January 3rd, 2003, 09:36 PM
True. But I hope it isn't like the Matrix. I remember all the old Jet Li movies. For the time they were decent. But since the Matrix it seems you can't have a realistic (or as close to it) fight sequence. Granted it's just a "tease" trailer. So I hope and would assume it being a Tarantino flick that there will be more to it than that.

With the matrix (and martial arts movies before) I felt the wire work added to the story. It seems like now it's just to say, "hey look, we can do it too!", and adds nothing to the story. For me wire work is getting up there close to the "blurred, jittery" text fx you see for credits and whatnot and the in&out of focus on the all time "cheese" list.

Dylan Couper
January 4th, 2003, 12:50 AM

Looks like a flop.

Jeff Donald
January 5th, 2003, 05:39 PM
The film is already getting lots of press. I just read a forum where one of the posters asks "Why do they want to kill Bill Gates?"


John Locke
January 5th, 2003, 10:01 PM
Hmmm...and I think it looks like it'll be pretty cool.

(John nervously starts to wonder how uncool his perceptions are to the eyes of the world)

Joe Carney
January 7th, 2003, 02:35 PM
>> sequence. Granted it's just a "tease" trailer. So I hope and would assume it being a Tarantino flick that there will be more to it than that.
I just saw ballistic: ecks vs sever on DVD.
This one went in and out of the theaters pretty fast.

Some of the best non enhanced martial arts scenes in a long time between Lucy Liu and Antonio Bandaras (and many others). Lucy was outstanding in the stick fighting scene against the cops. Balanced, realistically fast and coordinated.

Lots of pyrotechnics (explosions) that were not really needed.

Also stars Ray Parks as one of the bad guys. (Darth Maul will forever be stereotyped).

Very little wire work in this one. The producer/director did not want just another wired kung fu flick.

Also has some of the best establishing shots in and around Vancouver I'ver ever seen.

I acutally like this film better than XXX. Plot was thin but at least it existed.

Robert Knecht Schmidt
January 7th, 2003, 03:01 PM
The script has been available online for months now. My prediction--mediocre box office.

Joe Carney
January 8th, 2003, 09:37 PM
More on ecks vs sever on DVD

On the down side. The character Lucy Liu plays is simply Keneu Reeves in drag. From the black long leather coat and sunglasses to the messianic character(she saves a little boy and the world from a new super weapon).
that is probably what killed it at the box office.
But the kung fu was good.