Henry Czuprinski
December 29th, 2001, 08:41 PM
I'm now shooting my first narrative short and wondering what others use as fixed backup for dv projects. Using Premier6 in a G4 with IBM data drive. I want redundant- duplicate backups to fixed media- that I can periodically save- Don't own a deck so recapturing is not what I want to do. Thinking external firewire or installing internal ultra scsi as data drive- using IBM as backup.Does this make sense- warped or otherwise- Forget tape or removable- I figure to wipe both drives clean before next project. Affordable is the word.
Got an ultra scsi card in the closet already. Just wanna be able to sleep nights once I start eding this piece.
Ken Tanaka
December 29th, 2001, 09:19 PM
With the price of gargantuan Firewire drives plummetting it's hard to argue with the economics of using one for a hot backup. If your "IBM drive" is a 75 Gb DeskStar I'd recommend looking at using an 80Gb Firewire Maxtor. I have both drives and the Maxtor is a tremendous value for the money (approx $400). You might be able to write an AppleScript routine to back-up the IBM drive each evening, eh? Heck, there -is- a pre-built Mac shareware utility that does synchronication but darned if I just don't remember the name of the product.
You might also look at http://www.firewiredirect.com for other drives and solutions. (I've purchased a couple of their portable 20Gb "Spark" Firewire drives and they're pretty darn good.)
Henry Czuprinski
December 30th, 2001, 01:54 PM
Thanx for the idea. I've an older version of Retrospect that may support firewire and would fit the bill. Reminds me of the first "big" drive I bought for a dig' audio workstation.- $2200 for 1gig Micropolis half the size of a shoebox. Times have changed since then.