View Full Version : Gauging Interest: Ideal GG For How Much?

Jim Lafferty
January 7th, 2006, 11:51 PM

I'm curious -- how much would you be willing to pay for a static GG that meets or exceeds what the G35 people are putting out? Just for the GG alone, to use however you wish -- not a complete setup.


- jim

Ben Winter
January 8th, 2006, 12:40 AM
$60. Maybe more if I can get reduced-price replacements if it breaks. Do you have a better GG substance? Right now I'm looking into that sapphire business--is that what you're talking about?

Bob Hart
January 8th, 2006, 06:11 AM
Just for curiosity sake, it costs me about AU$50 per CD style 1.2mm thick optical glass disk to land from Ohara in Japan to Australia, plus about 15 machine hours and five grit changes to figure, polish and dress them.

Human attendance per unit is about 45 minutes to 1 hour to change out and clean the tumbler six times, mount and dismount the disk to platen four times and to clean up the disk on completion.

DJ Lewis
January 13th, 2006, 06:10 PM

I'm curious -- how much would you be willing to pay for a static GG that meets or exceeds what the G35 people are putting out? Just for the GG alone, to use however you wish -- not a complete setup.


- jim

1. Exceeds?!?!?! Whoa. That sounds like a tough challenge. I'm sure a lot of DIY-ers would be intrested if it was reasonably priced (since some are buy beaties and such) and....

2. readily availible. The g35 isn't even out yet. I'm sure they are working hard, but who knows when it will hit the streets...

3. Exceeds?!?!?! Have you acheived what you feel is comparable to the g35 with the new unit you're working on?

4. No more than $100, if it performs.... much more than that and it would be more effective to buy a g35, with parts, and time, and headaches

5. Keep us posted! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

Jim Lafferty
January 13th, 2006, 09:25 PM
I'm not making any promises, but as Bob Hart would say, just as a "dipping my toe in the cold water" proposition, let's just say I could make an adapter that is very close to the G35 in performance -- no grain, no light loss, static. Solid, well fitted parts. Nikon F Mount, at the front, standard threading at the rear so all you'd need, depending on your cam, would be a specific step-down ring... and it would need some outside assistance for flipping the image.

Would you pay $510 for such a device?

John Allardice
January 13th, 2006, 09:58 PM
Would you pay $510 for such a device?

$510?...seems like an odd figure, wouldnt $499.99 be better, unless you transposed the numbers and meant $150....if so, then where do I sign?


Jim Lafferty
January 13th, 2006, 10:03 PM
Well, if it suits your tastes, I'd charge you $509.99. I was speaking of a complete setup, including the "mystery" GG, so, no, not $150 transposed :D

DJ Lewis
January 13th, 2006, 10:52 PM
Would you pay $510 for such a device?

Raising the price already? :)

Originally you mentioned something like $209. I was wondering where the profit margin would come in... unless you added some pricey tweaks.

$510 for the whole apperatus? Hmmm.... depends on (in no particular order) performance, appearence, durability, and availibility.

If there is a definite, undeniable wow factor, plus all of the above....
ok, alright, $510, but it better perform.

All jokes aside, you gotta think, people are willing to pay $1300 for a rig from johnahan... and I'm not saying you're trying to cut in on his profits, but if you got the goods, you may be able to ask for a smidget more. (through in rod support, and you could ask for a lot more)

Jim Lafferty
January 14th, 2006, 09:17 AM
No... no...

There will be a $209 version. There may also be a more expensive, "pro" version in the works, provided I see that enough people have interest in it. The greatest cost of these things is startup, so you need to know going in that you've got enough potential buyers to at least cover your materials costs. It will be comprised of more expensive components and be a bit of a pain in the neck to make... hence the price difference.

But... this is all just speculation. I'm playing around with parts lists and costs right now. I'm just fishing to see what people think is reasonable.

I can definitely make an adapter of good quality for $209, and still come out ahead. From there, the question becomes, if I can make the adapter, what price is reasonable, both from a cost-to-me and a cost-to-you perspective.

I think, if just for the sake of argument someone comes up with a "G35 like" solution, asking less than half their price is pretty reasonable.

Leo Mandy
January 14th, 2006, 10:43 AM
Jim, put it together for yourself (as a prototype), show some footage and I believe you will have alot of takers in the price range of 200-500 bucks.

Toby Orzano
January 14th, 2006, 12:58 PM
Jim, put it together for yourself (as a prototype), show some footage and I believe you will have alot of takers in the price range of 200-500 bucks.


Jim Lafferty
January 14th, 2006, 01:34 PM
Good point, and something I'm already working on :D

DJ Lewis
January 15th, 2006, 09:00 AM
Will you be able to show us the diffrence in the two versions in the coming weeks, or is the pro version a ways off? How big a visual diffrence do you think will there be in the two adapters?

Jim Lafferty
January 16th, 2006, 10:31 AM
I'm not going to really commit to anything until they're both complete -- anything would just be a wild guess right now. But, yes, I should have working prototypes of both to show in the next 2-3 weeks. I'm just waiting on a lot of shipments...

On that note, I'm probably not going to be involved with the DVXuser shootout -- they don't have any F-mount lenses available to test with and I'm not about to part with the only 1.4 lens I've got here, so... I will just have to post my own comprehensive "showroom".

- jim