View Full Version : yet another 16:9 headache, urgent help please

Gary Barr
January 7th, 2006, 03:13 AM
I'm editing a sequence today which includes both XL2 and DVX100AE clips - both shot at 25P, the XL2 at 16:9, and the DVX in letterbox mode.

I've been cutting XL2 clips fine for ages but when I bring the DVX clips into FCP they have 'shrunk' somehow. With anamorphic checked they fill the browser screen horizontally but are squished vertically. Unchecked, it's seems in perfect proportion but shrunken. Do I have to scale all these clips up, which will reduce resolution hugely surely? And if so by what percentage?

I assume after testing that it's best (if you don't already own an anamorphic adaptor) to shoot in the DVX squeeze mode for 16:9 destined for widescreen output?

Any help appreciated as I need to start this today. Thanks.

Gary Barr
January 7th, 2006, 03:37 AM
just read a few other posts and will try both the rescaling to 133% and the changing of the y coords.

For PAL land, what should I change them to instead of the 320 in NTSC land?

also, the digital squeeze method in the DVX seems the best way to shoot for this eventuality yes, not letterbox?

Jason Varner
January 10th, 2006, 12:12 AM
That I wish final cut could do is be more intelligent about what type of media is being imported. If your deliverable is going to be letterboxed 4:3 then you'll be better served by scaling down the canon footage. If you're looking for true 16:9 output then it would be wise to upscale the panny. Good Luck.

PS Anamorphic adapter good.