View Full Version : Fed Ex just arrived...

Barlow Elton
January 6th, 2006, 12:48 PM
I now have the camera that "goes to eleven". Got a Kona LH card to go with it.

Much experimentation to come...I'll post clips when they're *good* and ready. I'll try to actually achieve focus too. *smile*

Pete Bauer
January 6th, 2006, 02:58 PM
Hey Barlow, CONGRATS! Plain and simple, if you like your previous XL camera, you're gonna love the XL H1.

Since it sounds like you have an HD-SDI solution ready to go, we'll be bugging the crap out of you for you have the drive capacity to do uncompressed, or what codec will you be using?

Barlow Elton
January 6th, 2006, 03:20 PM
Thanks Pete!! I'm really digging into the manual right now. This is a VERY deep camera.

Yeah, the whole point of the Kona is to be able to capture SDI, and for me, to MONITOR hdv with no issues.

I'm putting together my own SATA RAID in the near future, but I'm immediately adding an extra drive in the open bay of the G5. I'm pretty much going to be testing it in DVCPRO HD...and 24p capture particularly.
The Kona card should be able to do this straight from a live 24F stream.

Gonna be fun. My brother-in-law is helping me build a portable rack system for my G5. Sure, sounds cumbersome, but I'm crazy like that. I wanna take this thing out and USE THE SDI!!

Eventually I'll do some chroma key shots in different codecs for everyone to check out. Way down the road, though.

Steven Thomas
January 6th, 2006, 03:26 PM

Let us know how it works out.


John Benton
January 6th, 2006, 04:06 PM
Congradulations Barlow !
How much does the Beast weigh?

Barlow Elton
January 6th, 2006, 04:39 PM
Congradulations Barlow !
How much does the Beast weigh?

Not sure. Of Canon, I've only owned the old XL1, (Jan. 98 manufactured!) and in comparison, the H1 seems quite a bit heftier. I looked in the manual but couldn't find that info.

Gonna shoot in downtown SLC tonight. I'll report my findings and maybe a few clips soon.


Gary McClurg
January 6th, 2006, 05:03 PM

Can you get some low light shots on purpose so how we can see how the camera holds up in low light...

Thanks Gary

Barlow Elton
January 6th, 2006, 05:05 PM
Will do, Gary, that's why I'm going downtown.

Gary McClurg
January 6th, 2006, 05:11 PM

So far I'm leaning towards the Canon... saw the HVX yesterday... and the Canon on Monday...

But since my shoot is pushed back to spring... I'll have time to figure out which I want...

Now my friend who's a camera operator did like how the Canon held up in the shadows of the showroom...

Jared Teter
January 7th, 2006, 12:37 AM
I also live in Salt Lake City and I would love to have a look at the H1. I am actually waiting for my buddy to get one in his store this next week. I would like to see how the H1 performs with my 1.6x extender and with the 100-400 EF lens. If you get a minute let me know. My number is on my website: if you are interested.


Barlow Elton
January 7th, 2006, 01:19 AM
I'll get in touch with you, Jared. Should be fun to try out those lenses.

One thing I will say...I am VERY happy with how this baby performs in low light. A few clips soon...

Nick Hiltgen
January 7th, 2006, 05:06 AM
Hey Barlow, could you you check two things for me, hmm, 3.

1) With the lens cap on can you pump the gain to 18 and see if there are any lit pixels (you know, like little blue dots on the black- not to be confused with the white noise that will show up these will be in the same place- there probably won't see any)

2) can you check and see if there is a little ghosting in the viewfinder in 24F or 60i mode and how bad is it.

3) can you see if there is a little delay in camera through the viewfinder, specifically, snap your fingers and see if the sound lines up with the action or if there is a delay.

Barlow Elton
January 7th, 2006, 11:59 AM
I'll check that stuff for you this afternoon. Initially, I can say that I did notice some mild ghosting, particularly in 24F while using peaking focus assist in manual mode.

Here are a few clips from last night.

Barlow Elton
January 8th, 2006, 10:38 PM
Hey Barlow, could you you check two things for me, hmm, 3.

1) With the lens cap on can you pump the gain to 18 and see if there are any lit pixels (you know, like little blue dots on the black- not to be confused with the white noise that will show up these will be in the same place- there probably won't see any)

2) can you check and see if there is a little ghosting in the viewfinder in 24F or 60i mode and how bad is it.

3) can you see if there is a little delay in camera through the viewfinder, specifically, snap your fingers and see if the sound lines up with the action or if there is a delay.

1) Didn't see any lit pixels.

2) Yeah, I've noticed a little ghosting in the VF. Not sure what it is, but it
wasn't bothersome. 24F definitely more noticeable.

3) Yes, there is a little delay, but it seems to be 24F only. I checked it in the VF and on a HD CRT, and it seems to be only in 24F mode. I think this is the DIGIC chip doing it's thing.

Nick Hiltgen
January 9th, 2006, 08:17 AM
Barlow, awesome thanks for the feedback, the only other "problem" I've noticed is that my VF has a little bit of a short in it (I don't know if this is because I'm running in B+W mode or what) Kinda like a quick noise scan every once in a while, I'm pretty sure it's my camera but is anyone else experiencing that problem?

Barlow Elton
January 9th, 2006, 10:02 AM
Hey Nick,

I haven't had the VF "short" problem, but I'm going to be using the camera a lot this week, so if it's a common problem it'll probably show up. I'll run B&W mode often too.

A. J. deLange
January 9th, 2006, 10:41 AM
I just found out the significance of "goes to 11". I really feel like a member of the club now!

Greg Boston
January 9th, 2006, 11:05 AM
I just found out the significance of "goes to 11". I really feel like a member of the club now!

So, you didn't know who Nigel Tufnel was? Hehe. Welcome to the club A.J.!
