Quinn OConnell
January 3rd, 2006, 05:40 PM
Handheld footage ( sorry grazie) out and about one night in London
the frame is evident i know in the 2nd half of this..
anyway, it looks good for low light to me .
H264 18mb 4min 320x180 QT7 required
Marcus Marchesseault
January 3rd, 2006, 06:03 PM
It does look good. I am surprised how well the Canon handled low light with the added burden of a 35mm adapter. Thanks for the footage.
R.P. Cuenco
January 3rd, 2006, 08:17 PM
looks like the adapter sorta twisted at the end there, since i started seeing the edges of the gg. great footage tho and i cant wait till i get my letus35 flip.
Quinn OConnell
January 4th, 2006, 03:32 AM
RP, Yes it wasnt till i actually got into the edit that i saw it... as it was set to 16x9 the small LCD was streched and hard to check, but a good lesson lernt.
The Lense's were a 135mm FD2.5 for the fairground, and 50mm 1.4 for the street scenes
Graham Bernard
January 4th, 2006, 04:09 AM
Excellent Quinn. I like the 16:9. How did you setup the 16:9? No digital squish I'm presuming you only did the Letterbox lines as a guide? Yes?
Handheld works here . .
The XM2, in the correct hands will produce some passable low light. You can also get funky with the presets and notch up SETUP and take back the sharpness. PLUS one could do a lot, and I mean a lot, in post.
The "bumper-car" seq was beautiful as too the Chair carousel. As a piece I'd like to have seen a wee bit of slomo on the more "hand-held" shots so I could appreciate the images a bit longer - yeah? Slo-mo can give a sense of authority, strength, purpose & stability to what were fragile shots. Well I think so.
No, Quinn, loved it!
Eugene Presley
January 4th, 2006, 09:50 AM
The Lense's were a 135mm FD2.5 for the fairground, and 50mm 1.4 for the street scenes[/QUOTE]
Completly off topic, but what song is it? Which band, singer?
Thanks Quinn, excellent footage!
Mikko Parttimaa
January 4th, 2006, 08:14 PM
That's some great footage even tough highly compressed. I'd love to see some uncompressed frames.
How does the light loss of SG35 and Letus35 compare? I believe Letus has less loss but how big the difference is actually? Haven't seen any good SG35 to Letus35 comparisons. Somebody should do one (somebody like Quinn... hint hint)
Quinn OConnell
January 5th, 2006, 04:26 AM
Mikko, is on the way mate.. just awaiting my SG35 to arrive from Wayne.
I have a mate who has an XM2 so at some stage hook them both up with all the same settings etc and get some footage for you all..
I'll try and get some umcompressed frames up shortly.
Declan has both adaptors also and i'm sure hes working on some good comparisons with the XL2...(or is it your website): the colours are fantastic with that cam.
Eugene,song is the opening title track from a film called SPUN
(Dir: Jonas Akerlund).. beautifully shot intro by the way!
Number of the Beast by Zwan
Grazie: thanks mate.. Greyhound somestage.. !
Cheers all for the comments, and hope the footage helps show what these adaptors can do in all light conditions.