Dale Guthormsen
January 2nd, 2006, 10:54 PM
Good evening,
I was building a title with this effect on adobe elements the other day and it works fine other than the title comes forward as apposed to going out the back of the screen.
How would I change the direction??
Paul Gallagher
January 3rd, 2006, 05:54 AM
Reduce the scale size of it to zero, that should do it. I don't have elements myself but this would be the way I would do it on Premiere pro.
Dale Guthormsen
January 5th, 2006, 11:37 PM
I am out of time tonight, but will try it tomarrow.
I have premiere pro as well, but for short and simple elements is just a lot easier.
Also I am still on a huge learning curve with pro!!
Was working on it tonight and after capture I go to edit and i was losing my audio on my speakers! go figure.
Thanks again,
Paul Gallagher
January 6th, 2006, 05:14 AM
If you have a firewire device attached like your camera for example the audio will not play back on your computer speakers (speaks the voice of experience :( ) but will play when you scrub through it. The audio will work with the tv/moniter you have attached to the firewire device and if not check you haven't hit the mute symbol on the audio track by mistake, top left icon from memory.
The Ken Burns effect is very fast and symple to do with pro when you get the feel for it.
Dale Guthormsen
January 9th, 2006, 10:57 PM
changing the scale did not do the job for some reason. my title still came forward.
thanks for the information on pro and it not playing audio while the camera is hooked up. that seems a tad lame, but it worked fine after i unplugged it. I like to capture a bit and edit a bit. guess i will now do larger captures and then longer edit sessions.
I will try the ken burns effect on pro and see if it works.
thanks a bundle.
Paul Gallagher
January 10th, 2006, 03:04 AM
Its strange the scale didn't do it, you redid the keyframes as well when you changed the position and scale, didn't you?
Pro will do your Ken Burns effect no probs and will let you get familiar with using the keyframes on that program.