View Full Version : How can i join this contest & when???

Derrick A.Jones
January 1st, 2006, 10:02 PM
I want to know how i can get into this contest and when are you going to have another one i would really like to get involved in this. someone please give me some info. New to this site

Mike Teutsch
January 1st, 2006, 10:20 PM
I want to know how i can get into this contest and when are you going to have another one i would really like to get involved in this. someone please give me some info. New to this site



Just keep watching this forum, and look for the next Challenge announcement. The last one was the fourth Challenge, and there is usually two or three months in between. You are probably looking at February or March, or whenever Dylan gets the itch to announce a theme. The Challenge has its own thread, so watch that one especially close, but when it's time the word spreads fast on this site.

We will be happy to have you compete! Best of luck.


Derrick A.Jones
January 4th, 2006, 08:37 AM
Thanks for the info. Apprciate your help. I will be watching.

Brian McKay
January 4th, 2006, 09:25 AM
Hello Guys:

I as well would be interested in giving this a shot. One problem which I hope will be considered minor.

Due to my location and the quality of internet service the download time from my Host Web Page would be slow and I mean slow.

Would this be an issue?


Mike Teutsch
January 4th, 2006, 10:04 AM
Hello Guys:

I as well would be interested in giving this a shot. One problem which I hope will be considered minor.

Due to my location and the quality of internet service the download time from my Host Web Page would be slow and I mean slow.

Would this be an issue?



It could be an issue, as all of the judges would have to download your film in order to perform their jobs. But, on the bright side, you probably have two months to make other arrangments.

To help us all out, it would be very helpful if you filled out your location information. It is very hard to give advise when we don't even know where in the world you are.

Best of luck---Mike

Brian McKay
January 4th, 2006, 10:20 AM
Hello Mike:

Good point....I'll do that right now.

Thanks for the information. In the interm I'll look for a secondary host.


Mike Teutsch
January 4th, 2006, 10:40 AM
Hello Mike:

Good point....I'll do that right now.

Thanks for the information. In the interm I'll look for a secondary host.



Also, keep us/me updated so that if you can't make other arrangements we can try to help. I had a lot of trouble getting mine uploaded for DV#2, and I received a lot of help from another member, Jeff Sayre. Without his help and support I might not have made it. I will always be grateful to him and I will try to assist anyone I can here. This is a great community!


Brian McKay
January 4th, 2006, 11:47 AM
Thanks for the offer Mike, I may have to call that one in. As well thanks for complement via the miss spelling of my name LOL.

Maybe down the road with your permission I'll load up a short piece on my host page and ask you to do a download to check the time factor for me.

Your help is much appriciated.


Mike Teutsch
January 4th, 2006, 12:22 PM
Thanks for the offer Mike, I may have to call that one in. As well thanks for complement via the miss spelling of my name LOL.

Maybe down the road with your permission I'll load up a short piece on my host page and ask you to do a download to check the time factor for me.

Your help is much appriciated.


LOL, :) Now you have to live up to your new name!


Brian McKay
January 4th, 2006, 01:05 PM
Well there it is Challenge #5


Chad Huntley
January 17th, 2006, 01:46 AM
Well there it is Challenge #5


Where is it? I can't seem to find it. I can't wait to get in on this next one!

Rob Lohman
January 17th, 2006, 04:54 AM
It isn't here yet, so you can't join it (yet). Dylan is very busy at this moment.
However, a DVC #5 will happen. Expect an announcement somewhere this month.

Dylan Couper
January 19th, 2006, 07:27 PM
Hey guys!
Thanks for covering the questions for me. I've been working as DP on a feature for a while, and also been out with a concussion (snowboarding related), so I've either been busy, or woozy.

Anyway, I'm back!

I'd expect DVC5 in March.

Saturnin Kondratiew
January 21st, 2006, 12:13 PM
yo dylan u sound like youre woozy'm in a cast sux..cant shoot, no walking allowed ..mid feb i hope to have it off...faaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkk

Dylan Couper
January 21st, 2006, 08:28 PM
Damn, what did you do to yourself?