View Full Version : Color shift between scrubbing and overlay play-back?

Graham Hickling
December 31st, 2005, 12:40 AM
I've just started using Aspect 3.4 to edit some Sony HC1 footage, using a computer with an NVidia dual-head GFX5200 card driving two CRT monitors.

Everything scrubs and plays smoothly, however when I "play" the CFHD avi footage (i.e. using the overlay) the footage is noticablely darker and color-shifted relative to the image I see when I scrub or pause the timeline. Which is obviously a pain when it comes to color-balancing, etc.

The thing is ... I don't get any such shift when I'm editing with regular DV-codec footage.

Any suggestions as to how I might get my CHFD footage playback and scrubbing views to match more closely? Thanks.

David Newman
December 31st, 2005, 12:59 AM
This is in the readme; the many of the NVidia card aren't calibrated for YUV overlay correctly. The readme will explain the adjustment needed (see the CineForm/AspectHD under Programs.)

Graham Hickling
December 31st, 2005, 01:58 PM
Doh! Yes, the 'readme' instructions fixed things immediately.

Thanks for the fast reply, despite my lame question.

Marc Colemont
January 1st, 2006, 11:23 AM
I was about asking the same question. And indeed I have an nVidia too.
Solved and closed.

Spike Spiegel
July 18th, 2006, 06:55 PM
David, I have the 7600gt and i am having the same color shifting problem...I was told to follow the readme instructions and i have followed them, but the shifting of color still remains... i'm using the graphics drivers 91.31 drivers (forceware) if that helps.. Please let me know what i'm doing wrong...

David Newman
July 19th, 2006, 08:45 AM
It is unfortunate that NVidia doesn't calibrate their YUV output, and it seems that some cards are worse than others. Most however can be adjusted pretty close, you just need to make sure the overlay is what you are adjusting. The overlay on gaming NVidia card has its saturation default at 114% (why???) and is too dark (often with a gamma shift.) No one at NVidia has ever explained why this is. ATI, Matrox, others don't do this.

Spike Spiegel
July 19th, 2006, 09:50 AM
thanks for the response David. I am fine with upgrading my 7600gt, can you please recommend a card with horsepower that can do compositing, yet has features (breakout box maybe) that 'll keep it futureproof for a while? Budget doesn't concern me, so please name a few cards that'll work great for me.. Thanks