Harry Bromley-Davenport
December 29th, 2005, 03:29 PM
I have managed to capture some material from my new XL H1 into FCP v5.0.4 using the HDV Apple Intermediate codec, sequence preset 1080i60. FCP controlled the camera just fine and I saw the image play on the computer monitor during capture.
So far so good.
But for some strange reason FCP greys out the availability of a Timeline in the window menu, so I can't create a sequence.
Any bright ideas out there?
Many thanks,
Steve Rosen
December 29th, 2005, 03:56 PM
Have you tried creating a new sequence (HDV setting) and the double clicking on that sequence icon, that should make it appear? Mine greays out if there isn't a sequence available in the browser...
Harry Bromley-Davenport
December 29th, 2005, 04:08 PM
Thanks for the reply. If I do that I get a message which says "Codec not found. You may be using a compression type without the corresponding hardware card"
What do you make of that?
Steve Rosen
December 29th, 2005, 04:43 PM
Weird, I have never gotten that one before... All I can recommend is to try things, like capturing using different settings... I forget what mine is set at, I'll check (I'm not a computer guy, I just turn 'em on an expect them to work).. Hopefully someone with more tech knowledge will read your post...
Just checked, my Capture Preset is simply "HDV". not the Apple one, try that.
Sequence is HDV 1080i60
Device is HDV Firewire
Kevin Wild
December 29th, 2005, 05:17 PM
I'll give you another weird one that could burn someone someday.
I did some test shots last night with HDV but then stopped the camera, switched to DV and recorded again, stopped and switched back to HDV and recorded more.
In FCP's HDV capture, it just totally skipped the DV footage. It was smart enough to know the format was different and just leave it out. Kinda' cool...kinda' scary. So, if you ever shoot both, make sure you capture ALL clips, HDV in the HDV capture, DV in the normal capture window.