View Full Version : xl1s or an xl1?

Andrew Todd
December 26th, 2005, 12:51 PM
i want to buy an xl. I dont have the money to spend on a xl2 (maybe in a fe years) I'm considering buying an xl1s. Should i even look at the xl1 as a cheaper alternative or is there enough difference between the xl1s and xl1 to justify the cost?

i know most of the differences between the two but i want the opinion of someone who has owned both when it comes to picture quality
Thank you

Mathieu Ghekiere
December 26th, 2005, 05:00 PM
Depends on what your budget is but:

1. The XL1s has SOME good extra features (better low light performance, 16/9 guidelines, to name a few...)

2. I think it will be difficult to even find a XL1 at this moment.

3. IF you find one, chances are big it will be already very much used. Hell, even an XL1s will still be very used, let alone an XL1.

4. Price for an XL1s these days, second hand, isn't that expensive anymore.

So my advice would be: go for the XL1s.

Andrew Todd
December 26th, 2005, 05:04 PM
its pretty easy to find both on ebay

Andrew Todd
December 26th, 2005, 05:05 PM
whats a good price to pay for an xl1s right now?

Mathieu Ghekiere
December 26th, 2005, 05:10 PM
I paid 2500 euros for mine a year ago, just when the XL2 arrived.
Only had 6 hours use, so I considered it to be a good price.

A buddy of me payed 2000 euros for an XL1s + tripod + MA-100 adapter.
Had much hours on it, but still in a good condition.
Euro is a bit more then a dollar, mind you.

I don't know, I thought 2000 euros was a very good price, I think even today 2500 dollar for the XL1s isn't that much, if it's in a good condition and maybe comes with a couple of extras.

Cor Vermeulen
December 26th, 2005, 05:29 PM
I bought a XL1-s a few weeks ago for Euro 2250. About two years old and in good shape.
This was including the MA-200 shoulder extension, but only with one battery BP930 with charger. No other accessories (no windjammer, no bag, etc).

Waldemar Winkler
December 26th, 2005, 07:09 PM
If your tendency leans towards an XL1, look to the GL1 instead. Much more of a camera, in my opinion. I own a GL1 as well as an XL1s. I purchased the XL1s in Jan, 2005 for $2600US with MA 100, microphone shock mount, fancy windscreen. road case, four big batteries, and all appropriate power supplies.

The XL1s is a much more flexible camera.

Do the becst you can with what your have to spend.

Henry Cho
December 26th, 2005, 08:14 PM
i owned an xl1, and upgraded to an xl1s about a year ago. both cameras can produce beautiful images, but i have to say the xl1s, without question, is the superior camera. the price difference between the xl1 and xl1s on ebay is not very significant. that said, i suggest going for the xl1s. either way, you should send it in to canon service once you get your hands on it for a cleaning and tune-up. chances are the camera will not be covered under warranty, and, depending on the wear and tear on the camera, this can set you back at least a few hundred bucks. just a warning to plan for it. i'd agree with mr. winkler's comment on looking at the gl1 as an option if interchangebale lenses aren't important to you. it's definitely more user friendly out of the box, but a 14x or 16x manual lens on the xl1 is still a killer setup, and i'd take that over a gl1 or gl2 any day.

Andrew Todd
December 28th, 2005, 10:56 AM
I'm actually in the process of selling my gl1. I've found an xl1s that i'm heavily leaning toward. The gl1 had what i was looking for when i purchased it but ive definately outgrown it. I think once i get the xl1s ill have to start looking into getting the 3x as well. Will the 16x be good enough for the time being in your opinions?

Mathieu Ghekiere
December 28th, 2005, 12:09 PM
I think the other lenses are great if you can afford them. (I don't have them)
I think once you have them, you can't live without them, but in the meantime, you're just fine.

Dean Orewiler
February 7th, 2006, 03:02 PM
I'm finding that the 16x is just fine. I don't know what all of the hype is about with the manual lens. If you use proper lens techniques, you can do a creep zoom or a fast zoom - and if you have edit out some of the lag time, not a biggie. If you want to rack focus, you simply just tape index marks on the lens barrel. I've only used the manual lens once, and I didn't see what the big deal was.

Mathieu Ghekiere
February 7th, 2006, 03:10 PM
I'm finding that the 16x is just fine. I don't know what all of the hype is about with the manual lens. If you use proper lens techniques, you can do a creep zoom or a fast zoom - and if you have edit out some of the lag time, not a biggie. If you want to rack focus, you simply just tape index marks on the lens barrel. I've only used the manual lens once, and I didn't see what the big deal was.

Dean I'm not in the market for the manual lens, because you CAN'T rack focus with the standard lens, because it's a servo. Well, you could rack it, very difficult, if you indeed put markers on it, and don't use the lens to much between your try outs. But it isn't a vast system or distance, the focus barrel yields 360 degrees. So with the Manual lens you can REALLY rack focus decently without much extra difficulties, as with the standard lens.
Don't get me wrong, I love the standard lens, but now that I have a shoot coming up (well, in a couple of months) where rack focus will be important because of some dollyshots and stuff, I want the manual lens because the standard one won't fitt the bill (or what's the expression?)
Having said that, I shot 3 or 4 shorts with the standard lens in the meanwhile, with some focus changes too, and they turned out great, but it was a much bigger effort shooting them then it would have been with the manual lens.

Andrew Todd
February 7th, 2006, 04:05 PM
i got an xl1s, a letus35 and some 35mm lenses... so the 16x will be fine. Marco Wagner sold me the camera and was an awesome seller. it will be arriving in the mail tommorow. i cant wait cuz ive had the letus for the past week and a half now and have been getting anxious to try her out.

Christopher Leclair
February 26th, 2006, 04:21 PM
If there are any more opinions out there, I would appreciate them. I recently got an offer for a used XL1 but was really focused on the XL1s. What about a GL2? I've also found a local GL2 at a good price. Would the GL2 outcompeat the XL1? Really tough to decide on what is the best option vs. good enough option. I am mostly looking for outdoor video, wildlife and low light conditions.

Andrew Todd
February 26th, 2006, 05:11 PM
hey chris.. i went from my gl1 to an xl1s.. i love it.. and am extremely happy with my choice. image is alot better than gl1.. i know gl2 has better image but what i love about the xl series is the added control you have,,, more options to give you better control over the videomaking process ... (more things to play with :) )

Christopher Leclair
February 26th, 2006, 06:56 PM
Thanks for replying. Here's what I got on the works so far let me know what ya think!

1) XL1s - $3500 maybe able to get him down to $2800 or so. 4.5 hours of use total, not used as a playback deck.
2) GL2 - $2000. New, never used. Was given to the ownder as a gift and he wants to sell.
3) XL1 - $2000. I know the seller. He has 50 hours on the camera, never used as a playback deck. The audio card was recent replaced for $400. He is a pro filmer.

So what's the best option for me. Looking for outdoor video and lowlight conditions, but of course some indoor and studio as well. All funds are CAN dollars and are within driving distance.

Andrew Todd
February 26th, 2006, 10:01 PM
the problem with th xl series cameras is that theres no way you can be sure of the logged hours. the seller can say anything. you can find a better deals than that in my opinion. you can find a good xl1s for under $2000. it depends on what accessories it comes with. $3500 is way too much for an xl1s. you can find an xl2 for that price.

Andrew Todd
February 26th, 2006, 10:07 PM
then i noticed we're looking at canadian prices.. lol.. not used to dealing with our beloved loonie.. but cna go cheaper than that. get an xl1s.. spend less than $2000 american. (unless its got some nice gear like some manual lenses or 3x lense etc...)

Robert Mann Z.
February 27th, 2006, 03:37 AM
i have an xl1 with extended batteries, lightwave mount and isolater , ma100 xlr adapter, ZD-100 Zoom Remote Controller, remote, charger, strap, manual, lens bag, all in a hard case that has been gathering dust since i got my dvx about two years ago...i would part with it for $1,500 not sure if thats the going rate...but this kit has everything you need to get started, the only thing you need is a tripod...

Christopher Leclair
February 27th, 2006, 09:40 AM
Robert! Zing me an e-mail, maybe we can work something out. Only problem I might see is the taxes. Apparently no duty, but as I called there is a tax on the camera when it comes over. Believe it or not is 7% sales tax and 8% GST so 15% total. If it's worthwhile though a deal could be hatched.

E-mail me here:

I dont think you mentioned hours on there, so let me know.

Andrew Todd
February 27th, 2006, 10:32 AM
i paid $575 unexptected taxes on the border..

Robert Mann Z.
February 27th, 2006, 11:07 AM
i'm not sure how to work out the whole canada thing...and i have no idea how many hours on the camera because to this day canon does not put hour meters on the camera, but i know the camera works, never been used as a deck and was one of four friends (all xl1 that i bought 4 years ago) sold the rest...i kept this as back up, but never needed it...i have a location shoot this week i can send some photos when i get back next week...

by the way whats the going rate for xl1 these days?

Christopher Leclair
February 27th, 2006, 11:32 AM
i paid $575 unexptected taxes on the border..

What was that for i.e. what type of gear and amount? Canada customs told me that they charge no duty on video cameras but 15% taxes (GST, PST). If I go ahead I should probably get something in writing I guess.

Andrew Todd
February 27th, 2006, 12:46 PM
it was for an xl1s. the listed value was $3500 CAN.

Christopher Leclair
February 27th, 2006, 03:28 PM
Maybe then it was what I was talking about, the provincial sales tax and GST?

Andrew Todd
February 27th, 2006, 04:31 PM
yeah.. plus the brokerage fee through ups. when i got my gl1 it was sent through usps and i wasn't charged a cent for border taxes. the xl1s was sent through ups. maybe there's a difference

Chris Luker
February 27th, 2006, 05:21 PM
If you use the USPS, it's ALOT less likely that you will have to pay import taxes. I lived in France and had my mum send me audio gear for years through the USPS, never any taxes. Then once she sent something to me via UPS, and I got charged more in taxes than I paid for the device.
UPS systematically charges and declares things sent with them. The post office doesn't seem to care too much about that (unless there's additional postage due).
My $.02

Andrew Todd
February 27th, 2006, 05:36 PM
the downside thought aht i have found with usps is that my gl1 was left out on my stairs when they delivered it. they didnt even ring the doorbell. when i went to work at like 3:00 oclock there it was.. just sitting there for anyone to take.. in the snow

Christopher Leclair
March 1st, 2006, 09:09 AM
the downside thought aht i have found with usps is that my gl1 was left out on my stairs when they delivered it. they didnt even ring the doorbell. when i went to work at like 3:00 oclock there it was.. just sitting there for anyone to take.. in the snow

Yeah they do that here sometimes, but I'm not sure which company. I'm guessing UPS. They do ring the bell and sometimes they leave it but other times they leave a note and you have to pick it up. I guess it depends on the delivery dude and his/her mood!

The dude with the $3500 CAN XL1s wont budge, says I dont know about the market, pfft, I'm sure it's him that has no idea. He said I should look for a lower model or GL2. What a dufus. I know he wont get that price for it and I certainly wont pay it. Any ideas where to look locally for a used camera? I'll drive pretty much anywhere in Ontario.

Christopher Leclair
March 13th, 2006, 01:03 PM
Update: I picked up a used XL1s off Ebay for $2400 CAN, few extra batteries and MA 200. The guy was 3.5 hours away, so I made the trip yesterday. Nice fella, hooked it up for me and ran some tap and everything so far is as advertised. I look forward to getting going!