View Full Version : moving the picture and sound TOGETHER on the time line

Milt Lee
December 25th, 2005, 03:12 PM
Help! I still am having trouble with moving a clip with the audio and video together.

When I click on the video - it selects it, and then I go to slide it around on the timeline but the audio doesn't want to go with it. Now when I initially put a clip on the time line, both audio and video move together quite nicely, but after I've been editing for a while - creating subclips, moving stuff around etc etc, somehow the audio and video get seperated. I know that I can just select both the audio and video - I click on the video then hold the shift key down and click the audio, but maybe I'm missing something - is there anothe way to do it that cuts down my key strokes?

I really appreciate your help.
Milt Lee

PS - if you happen to be in Rapid City SD tomorrow night - the 26th, come see a documentary that I did called VIDEO LETTERS FROM PRISON. I'm showing it at the Heartlands Film Series, along with BUFFALO LARGO.


Michael Wisniewski
December 25th, 2005, 03:34 PM
Group the events together. CTRL + G groups, CTRL + U un-groups.

Milt Lee
December 25th, 2005, 03:44 PM
I see that, and use the group function quite a bit, but I'm really talking about moving 1 event on the timeline - I don't want group all the events and I'm trying to avoid selecting everything, or even more than one thing so that I can move it. It seems tha once I use the "ignore event grouping", then the elements seem to be seperated forever.

Perhaps I'm not saying what I intend. I'm actually talking about moving an event - consisting of an audio element and a video element - simultaniously. In order to shorten the audio or video of this event, I have to use the "Ignore Event Grouping". Then when I want to move the entire event (audio and video together) I can turn off the "ignore event grouping" but the grouping seems to have disappeared. Now I know that select both with 2 seperate keystrokes and then go ahead and move them together, I can also group them, I can also change the cursor into a lasso ( 1 keystroke and then drag across the event) but I'm just trying to do it with 1 click and then move the combined elements. Maybe I just need to accept that there is no quick way to do this - and be thankful for all the rest of the things I love about Vegas, but I would really like to be able to do this as it really ends up being a lot of extra messing around.

thanks again,


Edward Troxel
December 25th, 2005, 04:35 PM
Make sure "Ignore Event Grouping" is NOT turned on. It's a button on the toolbar.

Milt Lee
December 25th, 2005, 04:40 PM
Yep, I use that button quite a bit. It's not on when I'm trying to move the a/v elements together.

The more I think about it, the more I suspect that what I really need to do is to use a mouse when I'm doing this as opposed to my touch pad on my Sager. It's probably just a function of not using the right tool for the right job. BUT still.....


Edward Troxel
December 25th, 2005, 05:26 PM
I use the touchpad on my Sager for this all the time. I don't think that's the issue. They should definitely move together IF they are grouped and "Ignore Event Grouping" is turned off. I have seen some cases where grouping appeared to be lost after a split but have never noticed it on an AVI clip dragged to the timeline - only on a larger group of events manually grouped.

Milt Lee
December 25th, 2005, 05:34 PM
It's true - when I drag an event to the time line - it works fine - everything stays grouped. It is happening after I have been grouping and un-grouping things, and spliting things. Then it seems to lose track of the basic connection between audio and video. I can always select both audio and video and then they work just fine. I can also hit the undo button if I try to move something and I notice that only the picture moved, but it's just a pain.


Gary Kleiner
December 25th, 2005, 08:44 PM

Good luck at the showing. It's always a blast to see your work up in front of an audience.

I can't help but feel that you need to better master some of the ways of selecting and moving things in Vegas. I know that I almost NEVER use the group/ungroup function. That's not to say that there is no legitimate use. Maybe you can explain when you use those functions. There may be a better workflow.


Milt Lee
December 26th, 2005, 10:02 AM
Thanks Gary! I appreciate the kind words. And you are right - I do need to master the workflow.

I have used as many ways as I can think of to move the a/v elements together. Because I edit a lot, I really have explored this, and I just keep thinking that there must be a better way because literally all of the ways that I try feel so cludgy to me. It would seem that there would be a shortcut key that would select both the audio and video together with just one click, and then allow you to move them as one. As is, it just seems way too strange.

Maybe Spot knows something.

Thanks again,

Edward Troxel
December 26th, 2005, 11:04 AM
One way to do this is to click on the video and then ctrl-click the audio. Then both are selected. However, you HAVE to be talking about many more events if you're continually grouping or ungrouping. A single audio/video combination is grouped by default and has always worked for me. It's when you start doing all kinds of other grouping and ungrouping that things seem to get more confused.

What I do is use scripting to select events. For example, a script can easily select "all events on all tracks after the cursor position" if that's what you want. Scripting lets you flexibility select events.

Milt Lee
December 27th, 2005, 04:47 PM
Well, actually I'm talking about moving 1 event... Here's what I'm going to try. I'm going to start with a clean slate - nothing on the time line - then I'm going to add a piece at a time and move it.

I will mess around with the piece until it loses track of itself, and then I can report back what is causing this issue.

News at 11


Edward Troxel
December 27th, 2005, 07:54 PM
If you could provide step by step instructions to replicate - that would be helpful too.

Jack Smith
December 27th, 2005, 11:10 PM
You maybe grouping the video event in with other video events and not the audio, so when you try to move the video the audio doesnt move.If you use grouping alot and you have many events on the timeline I would make a habit to select all events and group them,then when you want move only the 1 event select it and it's audio and ungroup them from the others then group them together and move them.When its located correctly regroup them with the rest.

Milt Lee
December 28th, 2005, 08:21 AM
Guys, I appreciate all the suggestions. But what I'm trying to do is AVOID going through this grouping/ungrouping gig. I want ONE click then move - one!

I'm really surprised that nobody else seems to experience this. I'm on a shoot till Thursday, so after I'm back I'll do my test.


Bill Binder
December 28th, 2005, 05:05 PM
Oops, I didn't read the whole thread... Never mind...

Michael Wisniewski
December 28th, 2005, 06:05 PM
I'm really surprised that nobody else seems to experience this.Milt, you're not the only one, we've all experienced it, and you are right there should a "RE-GROUP" button on every event. As far as I know, it doesn't exist, so I've lived with the 5 click method ever since.

But it would definitely be a great addition to Vegas 7.