View Full Version : DV Challenge #4 -The Winners Are....!

Dylan Couper
December 24th, 2005, 11:26 AM
Ok ladies and gentleman, we bring another DVC to a close. Possibly the most exciting challenge for us yet (or me anyway) as we've used it to raise $525 for charity!

So a few thank you's before we go on to the winner, who gets to decide which charity will be recieving a $525 bonus on Christmas eve.

Thanks of course to DVinfo and Chris Hurd, if it wasn't for him we all wouldn't be here. And next to Guy Cochran and Guy Cochran and who turned a big cash prize into a donation. Also thanks to Rob Lohman who has the great fun of adding all this to our website. :)

And this time, most importantly, the following DVinfo members who donated generously to our cause.
Mike Teutsch
Josh Johnson
Robert Martens
Dylan Couper (me!)
Fredrik Larsson
Bradley Marlow
Pete Bauer
Benjamin Durin
Lorinda Norton
Nick Hiltgen
Randall Allen
Richard Mays
Jon Jones
Chris Barcellos
Ed Smith
Riley Harmon
Daniel Rudd
Craig Bellaire
Mitchell Stookey
Sean McHenry
Jeff Tyler
Bradley Marlow (yes, twice!)
Jason Varner

Finally, to all those who thanked me for running this, you are welcome, it was my pleasure.

Now, what you really want to hear....

The runner up in The DV Challenge #4....

Jimmy Bustos - Shark Hunting!

Congradulations Jimmy, your's stood well out over the crowd with an secure second place. Fantastic work. E-mail me with your address for your now world famous cheap winners certificate hot off my laser printer. :)


The winner of Best Film of The DV Challenge #4 is...

Lorinda Norton - Soot Happens!

Congradulations Lorinda! Great work, great characters, funny, and with spirit. You deserved this for sure. I hope you have a charity picked out, because you are about to give someone a hell of a Christmas gift. Email me and let me know where you'd like it sent. If they have Paypal I can do it right now. If you'd like to tell everyone who it is, feel free, if not let me know via email.

That's all folks! I'm now going to retire to spend some time with my family.
Have a safe and happy holiday!


Mugurel Dragusin
December 24th, 2005, 11:49 AM
Congratulations Lorinda for a great piece of work. Congrats for Jimmy also for another great piece of work :)

It was a pleasure to participate, the first time, in this competition and I will be sure to participate into the next one. Wish to thank you all and Happy Holidays!

Dick Mays
December 24th, 2005, 12:36 PM
[QUOTE=Mugurel Dragusin]Congratulations Lorinda for a great piece of work. Congrats for Jimmy also for another great piece of work :)

Ditto from me an the kids down in Georgia. Beautiful work. See ya'll again in the New Year!

Sean McHenry
December 24th, 2005, 12:43 PM
OK, that's 2 for Lorinda. I feel a grudge match coming on... Seriously, I voted for hers too.

Good job to the whole gange there. I think I may need to find a crew too now.

Sean McHenry

Chris Barcellos
December 24th, 2005, 12:46 PM
Congratulations to Lorinda and crew. It was obviously the best and in the spirit of the season...

Tyler Baptist
December 24th, 2005, 01:04 PM
Congrats! Both of the top shorts were indeed top notch.

Mike Teutsch
December 24th, 2005, 01:18 PM
Congratulations my dear friend, I told you that you had it! Now you have to keep going forever! Those guys are going to want contracts soon!


Lorinda Norton
December 24th, 2005, 01:58 PM
Hey!!! I’m……almost speechless!!! :) Just called the “crew” to tell them the news—they are thrilled that a bunch of hicks and friends from Idaho could make a little movie that you liked to this extent. To say that we are happy is quite the understatement. And we feel honored, as well. Thank you!

Congratulations to all of us for getting these movies finished and posted in this busy season. And I hope to see all of you for DVC5. What Dylan started here is growing into something very special; Dylan, you should be very proud, young man. :)

Now, about that donation to charity…..I hadn’t thought about it because, well, I didn’t think it would be my happy responsibility. There are a couple of Northwest (and wonderful) children’s charities I have in mind. I know the donations came from all over, but I have a tendency to like the smaller private organizations that work toward making the lives (and Christmases) of down-and-out little kids a bit easier to bear. One works for homeless kids and their moms, the other for kids who must be taken out of their homes and placed in foster care. This is work I have seen and appreciated with my own eyes over the years. That said, if anyone has another idea, I’d sure like to hear it. Send me a quick e-mail???

Wishing you a Merry Christmas! God bless you!

p.s. Whaddya mean “that’s 2,” Sean? I’m used to being at the bottom of the pile! And Mike, thank you so much for all your help and encouragement. You’re a great builder of dollies and a great friend!!!

Jeff Tyler
December 24th, 2005, 05:59 PM
Congratulations Lorinda! I really enjoyed your short and I loved the ending, hilarious!
Also congrats to Jimmy who also had a great short!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Jimmy Bustos
December 27th, 2005, 01:16 AM
Thank you all,
Congratulations Lorinda on a fine job.
I had a fun time and I can't wait for the next one.

Ed Smith
December 27th, 2005, 12:29 PM
Well done to all who competed they were all great. Especially well done to Lorinda for finally winning one after so many attempts. Congrats to Jimmy as well. Cheers,

Sean McHenry
December 28th, 2005, 10:47 AM
I don't know what I was thinking. For some reason I had it in my head Lorinda already won one of these.

Well, it always felt that way. Maybe that's because I always liked her videos.

Still, good job everyone.

DVC5...Ready to roll.

Sean McHenry

Meryem Ersoz
December 30th, 2005, 04:45 PM
congratulations, lorinda. i finally had time to watch a few of these since the holidays are winding down.

it's good to see you and your boys get the comedic recognition they deserve!

Benjamin Durin
January 2nd, 2006, 10:08 PM
Congratulations to the winners !

Lorinda, I enjoyed watching all the movies you submitted here but this one was the best of all. You improved so much I can't believe it ! And you deserve to win just for the good spirit you show in this forum.

Happy New Year to everybody with lots of DVC.


Lorinda Norton
January 4th, 2006, 02:33 AM
What a bunch of nice folks we have here! Thank you for the kind comments.

Dylan may have already sent the donation to HOPE HOUSE in the little town of Marsing, Idaho by now. As you'll see if you go to the Web site they take in kids who have nowhere else to go, provide them a loving "home" and help them become productive and [hopefully] happy members of society. I spoke with the founder about the donation from DVC4. She sounded thrilled! I've been involved some and know that your generous donations will be put to good use--not one penny will be squandered or misused. Everyone who donated just made life easier for some kids and those who work so hard on their behalf, so I hope you feel good about helping in this way.

Mike Teutsch
January 4th, 2006, 10:27 AM
What a bunch of nice folks we have here! Thank you for the kind comments.

Dylan may have already sent the donation to HOPE HOUSE in the little town of Marsing, Idaho by now. As you'll see if you go to the Web site they take in kids who have nowhere else to go, provide them a loving "home" and help them become productive and [hopefully] happy members of society. I spoke with the founder about the donation from DVC4. She sounded thrilled! I've been involved some and know that your generous donations will be put to good use--not one penny will be squandered or misused. Everyone who donated just made life easier for some kids and those who work so hard on their behalf, so I hope you feel good about helping in this way.


I went to their website and I am very impressed, and feel you made a great decision! Perhaps we can do more in the future. I, personally, bookmarked the site and perhaps in the future the donations I usually send to the Red Cross could better be used by them.

Great decision!


Craig Bellaire
January 5th, 2006, 11:18 AM
What a wonderful winner. I just got back up north from my home state of Texas and can now respond. as for the winners.. they were my top 2.. this is great.

As far as feed back for our own project can we e-mail Dylan and get the numbers for my entry to see where I ended up? I think as for me it would be helpful for future projects.

OK for DVC5... I am a bit unclear if we need to "per the web site "send in 20 bucks/40 bucks" to join the contest for future events.

Personal Goal... For DVC5 I'm gonna really try and use my 35mm adapter with my camera... yep... that's the goal...

Again congratulations to Lorinda Norton...

Dick Mays
January 5th, 2006, 07:30 PM
What a bunch of nice folks we have here!


You're way at the top of that list of nice folks. Great choice for the donation. Congratulations again.

I should caution readers, that not everyone is as nice as Lorinda. There are a few overly competitive, obsessive, compulsive types, who will stew over not winning every competition they enter. They may go as far as cast crippled and disabled children in their next project, in an overt attempt to garner sympathy votes to overcome shorts with poor story, marginal acting, and lousy lighting. Bring on DVC#5!!!


Dennis Wood
January 5th, 2006, 07:55 PM
Lorinda, you'll recall I really liked your last piece..and evidently you and the boys playing the simple life did it again! Well deserved...someday you and your cohorts will inspire me to do one of these.

Sean McHenry
January 5th, 2006, 11:53 PM
I'm with Craig. I like to know how I came in as far as my standing. I am thinking I have been sliding backward since my first entry in DVC2 and want to work on swinging back the other way again.

Maybe if Dylan could send those of us interested, the results? They don't really need published here unless everyone wants to see where they came in?

Thanks folks,

Sean (bring on DVC5)

Lorinda Norton
January 6th, 2006, 03:05 AM
Hi Dennis! You bet, I remember! And I will also remember to pester you about entering the next challenge, so plan on it. :)

Dick.....thanks; I am so glad you liked the choice. See you in DVC5, where we will have even more fun than before!

Lorinda Norton
January 6th, 2006, 10:53 AM
Hope you had a great time at "home," Craig. If you're a Longhorns fan you probably didn't need a plane to fly back! (They're even going to be on a Wheaties box!)

Guys, I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't send numbers to Dylan. I only sent my top five picks. You might be out of luck unless you're merely looking for ranking. I remember the very first challenge. Only five of us finished movies, and when the end came I was petrified that Dylan would post the ranking order! Some of us don't want to know!!!

I see that a very important person and his post has been neglected here. Mike, because you and I email back and forth no one else got to see how thrilled I was at your enthusiasm toward Hope House. You're pretty cool, big guy. :)

Mike Teutsch
January 6th, 2006, 11:40 AM
I see that a very important person and his post has been neglected here. Mike, because you and I email back and forth no one else got to see how thrilled I was at your enthusiasm toward Hope House. You're pretty cool, big guy. :)

Well Lorinda you are a dear friend and a big support to me. Hopefully you will meet the gang down in Miami again this year, and I can go down and meet you in person.

As far as Hope House goes, I think that it would be great if the DV Challenge adopted them, and each Challenge resulted in a donation to them to support their important work.

I'm afraid though, that too many would want to get the prizes that are offered by sponsors. That is understandable, but it would sure be a neat thing to do. We will see what can be worked. Perhaps if I should ever win and got a prize that I did not need, we could auction it off here and donate that way.

I recently went to a charity event for a friend who works at a local sports bar. The lady had lost her husband after about a two year battle with cancer, and he was only about 45. Many businesses donated numerous items to be raffled off with tickets and everyone was having a good time. I happened to win this little cooler with a built in radio. It was cool, no pun intended, but was not something I really needed. I told the owner, who was running the show, to put it up for auction and sell it to the highest bidder and give the proceeds to Sadie. He did just that and a $29.00 cooler went for nearly $200.00 and started a chain of auctions that raised much more money for her.

I'm going on way too long here and I apologize to all, but it is just an idea that I wanted to toss out for discussion.

Congratulations again on your win, and best of luck to all the entrants for the upcoming DV#5. Bring it on Dylan!


Lorinda Norton
February 1st, 2006, 11:56 PM
Donna Velvick of Hope House asked me to give you a big “Thank You” for the kind and generous donation from The DV Challenge. She said, “I can already tell you how the money will be used. Troilyn and Thomas (sister and brother) and little Paul just came ‘HOME.’ Part of the donation will help them get settled with clothes and other things, and the rest will be used to buy some much-needed books for our school.” All three kids are under ten years old.

My parents and I got a tour of the facility which lies less than a quarter mile from the Snake River in Southern Idaho. It’s an old Job Corp complex—so run down that it took over a million dollars to fix it up over the course of four years. But it was worth it! The place looks great, the kids seem really happy and what I saw of their schooling impressed me a great deal. One of the things I believe you would all like is the fact that it’s a peaceful setting, out in the Owyhee Mountain range yet only eighteen miles from a larger town. Fresh air, lots of room to run and play, nurturing adults who obviously love them very much. I didn’t see video equipment anywhere, but they do have a great computer lab! :)

Here are the only pics my dad took of our visit: If you haven’t visited the Web site yet, I hope you will. And I hope you know what a privilege it was for me to represent all of you who donated. Thank you, Dylan, for coming up with such a great idea, and here’s a hug for everyone who donated. :) You did a good thing!

Dick Mays
February 2nd, 2006, 09:11 AM

Great minds think alike. Had I won, (which, without an understandable story, or any interesting camera angles was unlikely) I was planning to donate to the "Highland House," a home here in Winder Georgia for displaced kids.

Personally, I would love to have at most of our entry fees go to Charity during each competition. Maybe if Dylan can wrangle toys from advertisers, the winner might get a little something, but it sure is great knowing our competition benefits those in need.

DVC5, bring it on!