View Full Version : my website

Trip Wu
December 23rd, 2005, 08:14 AM
please give me your comments/crits on my new website


David Nelson
December 23rd, 2005, 09:05 AM
You really know your stuff. A student of HardKnoxU I believe have a more genuine drive to learn and succeed, because you have no other choice. Desire is sincere because you wouldn't be doing anything else. I see what you do, do, you do very well. I've got quite a few years on you age wise that is, and I wish I had your talent. Congratulations on such a nice looking site, I hope it brings what you worked hard for.

Keith Wakeham
December 23rd, 2005, 12:12 PM
Its a fun website, its all giggly and wobbly. I like that. Some little quirks was that when you clicked on something lower a list things would move down, or up or something. It fits but can be a slight slight bit frustrating.

Really good otherwise

Barry Gribble
December 23rd, 2005, 01:04 PM

Very nice site. The motion is flawless, and the design is very clean and nice. It is amzing how much the shadows give it a 3-D feel. It rocks.

There are a couple minor things I can offer constructive feedback on...

1. When you navigate from the main menu by clicking portfolio, then click on a category like websites, you get the website selections but you lose any indication of where you were in the navigation. I would either like to see "portfolio" highlighted in some way on the main menu, or see "Porfolio -> Websites" at the top of the sub-menu instead of just "Websites". There is a fair argument that a user should remember where they are, but usability is all about hand-holding.

2. When navigating through the pages for a specific portfolio piece there is no way to go back to the previous image, only to the next. I think having both would be a hair more friendly. I also prefer to have the navigation visible without the mouse-over, but that is definitely a style choice. The user also has no indication of how many images there are. I really like portfolio pages that give you icons for each page so that you can see where you are (image 2 of 7) and navigation that way as well - but that obviously can also clutter what is a very clean layout.

3. In the web section of the portfolio, people are going really want to have live links to the external sites also. Ditto for video.

4. The music is really nice and fits well, but gets a bit repetitive if you are looking at a lot of pages. I would think about a longer loop, or a few options for the soundtrack.

5. Content-wise, under the skill section I would think hard about advertising the expulsion. Unfortunately, the people who have the most money to spend on their sites are business-types for whom being a hacker and being expelled are both warning signs. Business-types like comfort and reliability. If you are selling yourself with the hard maverick angle and really want to play that up, then more power to you - it may work fine. But otherwise it sows doubt. You work speaks well for itself, and I don't think you need to include anything at all about your education to make an impression.

6. I would also make the "Main Menu" text active and bring it back to your main screen with your name. That is very nice, and there is no way to get back to it now. Come to think of it, in terms of branding it would be nice to have it present somewhere throughout the presentation (besides the copyright line).

Anyway, great job again. Very smooth.

Trip Wu
January 26th, 2006, 10:15 AM
thanks for the feedback guys