View Full Version : Seagate is buying Maxtor

Boyd Ostroff
December 21st, 2005, 06:28 PM
If you're one of those people who prefer Seagate to Maxtor - or vice versa - then you'd better stock up on hard drives before this acquisition is completed next summer ;-)

Scotts Valley-based Seagate, the world's largest disk-drive maker, hopes the move will strengthen its position in an arena where the players are fighting not only each other but also with a competing storage medium -- flash memory

Richard Alvarez
December 21st, 2005, 08:43 PM
Damn! I'm a Maxtor man!

Christopher Lefchik
December 23rd, 2005, 07:54 PM
I'm for neither, but I had a Maxtor drive fail on me a few months after the measly one year warranty ran out, so I prefer to purchase Seagates now, since they carry five year warranties. I don't know if Seagate hard drives are any more reliable than Maxtors, but should the Seagates fail within five years of purchase at least I won't be stuck with the cost of replacement.

That said, I'm sorry to see Maxtor purchased by Seagate simply from the aspect that there will now be less competition.

Nick Hiltgen
December 26th, 2005, 12:16 AM
I had a maxtor fail to, but it was one of those 3 year warranties, so it was covered, but have only bought seagate since then.