Ezra Hiller
December 19th, 2005, 12:18 PM
Anybody have any experience with the below mount. This seems to be the simplest shoulder bracket for my VX2100.
Ezra Hiller
Jon Omiatek
December 19th, 2005, 01:53 PM
Spider Brace!!!!! Works great. I have a DVrig Pro $650 and the spider brace which is great for times when I don't want to use the dvrigpro!
$60 + shipping!
Lou Bruno
December 20th, 2005, 06:35 PM
Use the new Switronix brace.
Albert Rodgers
December 20th, 2005, 11:57 PM
I bought that (video innovator) shoulder mount over ten years ago and I still use it today. It is simple yet effective. I have used it on many wedding shots, I have used cameras ranging from a Sony D8 to an GL2 to a Sony PD170. This mount has worked great for all. Many times I attach my tripod plate on the bottom of this mount to quick attach to my tripod when I am not going handheld. It is simple great mount. I have since bough an Glidecam system, but I still use the VI due to its simplicity. I hope this helps.
J. Stephen McDonald
December 31st, 2005, 04:23 AM
This looks like it could be an effective, but simple way to steady the camera and make shooting a lot more comfortable. The basic brace resembles part of a rig I designed for my own use and I rarely use my camcorders without it.
Chris Barcellos
January 1st, 2006, 04:26 AM
I made this shoulder brace from 1/2 Aluminum Tubing, a couple of bolts, and a piece of 1 inch and a 1/4 dowling, and a couple of pieces of 2x4. Added a rubberized grip from a bike shop, and I ended up with a decent shoulder brace for VX2000 (originally), and it has converted over without change to my FX1. See it here: http://www.makeyourfilm.net/downloads/shoulder%20%20brace.jpg
Chris Barcellos