View Full Version : fish eye lens for my FX1

Roger Soo
December 19th, 2005, 08:55 AM
hi, guys.
I am thinking of purchasing a fish eye lens for my FX1, u have any recommendation? Is there any specific requirement for the type of fish eye lens since FX1 is a true 16:9 video cam?

THank you

Gary Smith
December 19th, 2005, 11:50 AM
I bought the Century Optics .3x fisheye and it is a great lens. A bit expensive though. 130 deg horiz. angle of view. 1.3 mm focal length. Non zoom through. You will notice a slight image degradation when viewing the image on a HD monitor when using this lens.


Chris Westerstrom
January 15th, 2006, 07:43 AM
That lens has some vignetting around the corners doesn't it?
I am also looking for a fisheye lens, but if i am going to invest in that .3x ultra fisheye (by century), what other things are they good for filming besides close-up action ?

Isaac Anderson
January 15th, 2006, 07:54 PM
Century has some other great wide angle lenses for the Z1 as well...their 92 degree fisheye is great, with no vignetting.
I also like their .6 and .7 which is fully zoom through.

All of these are bayonet mount, which is also very nice for quickly taking on and off without having to screw them on.

Boyd Ostroff
January 15th, 2006, 08:02 PM
I was just in the city today, so I stopped by B&H and picked up both the Century Optics .6x wide angle and 1.6x telephoto for my Z1. Only had a few minutes to play with them so far. The .6 has considerable barrell distortion, but I think it will still be fine for the kind of landscape and outdoor shots I like to do. Inside a room it's a little strange due to the distortion of straight lines. But I do like the super wide angle.