View Full Version : DVC 4 feedback for "Earthling Chronicle"

Benjamin Durin
December 19th, 2005, 12:58 AM
This is where you can see "Earthling Chronicle" :

Shot with a Panasonic GS400. The internal micro was used, it is why the sound is not very good (but better than what I expected).

We live in Taiwan, Aurore and I, and Taiwan is full of ghosts, evil spirits and a lot of gods. So we decided to use the fact that we were in Taiwan with all these ghosts around us. Here, the students go to the temples before exams, girls and women go to the temple to ask for a husband or to have a healthy baby, people go to the temple before a trial, my wife even went to the temple to ask if she'd better find a new job. When somebody dies, one has to burn paper money to give to the ghost or he will come back haunt the family.

I think you get the picture now.

This story is about a guy who, contrary to everyone around him, doesn't believe in gods or spirits. And you can see what happens around him. We found the idea funny but the result is not funny as I wanted. Oh well !

The actor is Taiwanese and we asked him to learn the text in English overnight, both didn't help. The poor guy hardly slept and had difficulties with some words but he was very nice and never complained. Thanks a lot to you Patrick.

Jimmy Bustos
December 19th, 2005, 01:34 AM
Hi Benjamin,
I thought it was well-shot, great locations.
At first I thought you where trying to make a serious documentary style short, but closer to the end, I realized you where trying for the "Mockumentary" style, by that time it was too late for me, I was still I serious mode, to catch the joke. I think a faster pace of editing and some funky music combined with the music you used would of made this work a little better. I think Patrick did a good job.

Lorinda Norton
December 19th, 2005, 02:21 AM
Thank you, Benjamin, for the explanation! I'm sorry; I think several factors may have gotten some of us way off track. I thought your guy was being completely serious the whole time! Now that I think back to his place there at the end being a big pile of rubble..... that's pretty funny!!

I should have known that anyone who puts "Crappy Version" on his smaller Quicktime link has a good sense of humor.

Nice work. Many of your outdoor images are beautiful! And tell Patrick Henry Wei he did just fine. :)

Lorinda Norton
December 19th, 2005, 02:31 AM
I just watched it again through my "new eyes." Yes, Benjamin, that's good comedy!!!! :)

Dick Mays
December 19th, 2005, 04:11 AM
I love dthis one. Very, very funny. The non believer, confronting the superstition of his peers, superior in his intellectual understanding of the myths. But conflicted by the unexplainable results. The gambling stuff was great. Beautiful location and shots. Can't get pictures like that one here in Hoschton, Georgia!

Benjamin Durin
December 19th, 2005, 05:02 AM
Thanks for all your comments.
I am glad that some of you find the movie funny.
It seems that a lot of people think it is a real documentary (even outside of DV Info), well Patrick did too great a job !

Jean-Francois Robichaud
December 19th, 2005, 10:11 AM
I liked this one. I too thought the gambling bit was a nice touch: gambling as a remplacement of religion... On of the best uses of the theme so far. The best thing was the quick insertions of the statues with the sound. It's what made me realise that it was a mockumentary.

The actor did a great job considering English is not his main language. But I had to pay really close attention to every word he said, in order to get everything.

However, I think the editing could have been a bit tighter.

Mitchell Stookey
December 19th, 2005, 12:14 PM
I thought this one was excellent. I loved the story, and how many layers there really were. Wildly entertaining and very interesting because of the great difference in cultures. I loved the dark humor.

Tyler Baptist
December 19th, 2005, 01:15 PM
Really good, and humorous story. I loved the cutting back to the drum every once in a while to pound the impending 'forces' home. Haha. Good work.

Craig Bellaire
December 20th, 2005, 09:26 AM
Ok this was a very intersting film. Though after reading you post I guess it was to be funny... Well I took it as more of a documentetry.. which is why I think it held my attention till the end... The ghost/spirits looked a bit to fake to me.. anyway i liked it..

Benjamin Durin
December 21st, 2005, 09:23 PM
Thanks for all your good words.

I will try to improve my editing for the next one, as some of you think it could have been tighter.

After finishing the movie, I realised that we should have asked Patrick to translate the text in Chinese and speak in Chinese. It would have been much easier for him and maybe also better for the mood. Would it bother you if it was in Chinese with English subtitles ?

Craig, I'd appreciate if you can send me some photos of evil spirits. I never saw one myself so I don't know how to make one that looks real.
Just joking here ;)

Craig Bellaire
December 22nd, 2005, 05:00 AM
OK you got me... I can't send a picture.. ha ha ha ..Well I'm am not good in after effects but I think maybe with a bit of trial and error they might be able to just be a bit non cartoonish. But again I don't think I could have done any better myself... Again good video

Sean McHenry
December 22nd, 2005, 10:02 AM
"I see dead people".

On the idea of subtitles, I think that would have been fine. If I had to lear a new language or speak in French and am not used to it, as well as try to act, I would probably be worse than I am now.

Subtitles might have helped actually as he would have felt more natural and might have been able to concentrate more on his delivery.

Sean McHenry

Patrick Henry Wei
March 5th, 2006, 01:37 PM
Hi there...

Finally found this web site....
First of all... Thanks Benjamin gave me the chance to take a part in his work.
He is really a nice guy and did a great job. I was happy to work with him and Aurora.
And then, thank you guys love his work, although I think I did not do it very well lol. But anyway, thanks again.....

Benjamin Durin
March 11th, 2006, 09:10 PM
Hey everybody, look who's here !
It is the famous Patrick, leading role in the famous Earthling chronicle !

Well, ok. Maybe not famous, not yet. But one day maybe.

Patrick, good to see you here. I hope we can work together again. The DV Challenge 5 has already begun but I am not in because I will be a dad within a week.

Ah, life !


Patrick Henry Wei
March 12th, 2006, 08:07 AM
Oh... My... Gosh...
It's such a good news to know that you've been a DAD.
I bet that you are definitely a good fathter because you are such a nice guy.
You are a nice and smart guy to work with and a good friend to know.
That's why God send you a lovely baby to you and your wife.

I am still busy on performance stuff this month, but not acting. I do more things like sounding and music design for the performances. Well.... I think I need more time to sleep lol....

Anyway... hope I have chance to see your cute kid in the future...^.^
Talk later and take care... I need to memorize the lines and choir songs lol..

Dylan Couper
March 12th, 2006, 04:30 PM
Hey Benjamin
Congrats on the upcoming addition to the family!

Benjamin Durin
March 19th, 2006, 09:25 AM
Thanks to both of you for your congratulations.

It's official, I am now a dad and I was right: there is no time to be a dad AND take part in the DV Challenge at the same time !

Now I'm going to bed...

Craig Bellaire
March 19th, 2006, 11:03 AM
Dude my baby girl just started walking and you're right... No time at all to do anything... WOW congratulations