View Full Version : DPA microphones

Dave Largent
December 18th, 2005, 09:32 AM
Just wondering if anyone would want to share their
experiences with these mikes? Like, which models
you've used, and how they've worked out for you?
I have read (from someone who's been an owner of a
studio recording business for many years) that DPA is the most "transparent" of all mikes.
Moreso than Schoeps by a good degree.
He said #2 for transparency was Earthworks.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
December 18th, 2005, 09:57 AM
First, that statement is incredibly subjective.
But I happen to mostly agree with it. I have several BK mics, which is who DPA used to be when they were operated by good management and responsive people. They are some of the sweetest mics I own.
The Earthworks are also quite transparent, and "open."
Yes, they kick ass on the Schoeps significantly. (then again, I'm not a huge Schoeps wine and brie fan anyway, so personal prejudices usually apply when it comes to Shoeps and their counterparts)

However, transparent *rarely* works well outside of a studio and extremely controlled environment, so don't get too hung up on that concept. In video work vs studio work, we need several factors that studio mics aren't nearly as wrapped around due to control/location;
Video work predominantly needs:

1. Intelligibility
2. Rejection patterns
3. Durability

Transparency rarely contributes to intelligibility, especially in less than perfect micing situations. Few studio mics are terribly durable, although they often/usually reproduce more accurate audio. Accuracy in the field is far less important than accuracy in a controlled studio room.