View Full Version : DV Challenge #4 - Finalists

Dylan Couper
December 16th, 2005, 06:59 PM
Congrats to everyone who participated! Here is the first batch of DVC4 sumbissions. These are supposed to be for Saturday morning, but I'll be on set so won't be able to post them, so I'm doing it tonight. Filmmakers, if any of the links don't work right, names are misspelled, etc... email me (apologies ahead of time). Viewers, if any of the films don't play, *don't email me*, email the filmmakers!
Filmmakers, go ahead and post a feedback thread for your film as soon as it comes up.

Sean McHenry
QT version:
Windows Media:
Real Media version:

Mugurel Dragusin
Lo Version:
Hi Version:

Craig Bellaire
Windows Media
QT 4

Ed Smith
Mini website:
Download page:

Dylan Couper
December 18th, 2005, 10:52 AM
Today's films!

Dylan Couper
Warning, contains adult language and partial nudity!

Benjamin Durin

Jimmy Bustos

Mike Teutsch
(download link as target)

Dylan Couper
December 19th, 2005, 01:54 PM
Final films.

This is all of them folks! Remember contestants, send me your top 5 favorites in order when you are done watching. There IS a deadline for sending me your pics, as I leave for holidays on the 23rd, so that gives you until the night of the 22nd, 4 days, to submit.

Dick Mays

Mitchell Stookey

Lorinda Norton

Riley Harmon


Dylan Couper
December 24th, 2005, 11:29 AM
Ok ladies and gentleman, we bring another DVC to a close. Possibly the most exciting challenge for us yet (or me anyway) as we've used it to raise $525 for charity!

So a few thank you's before we go on to the winner, who gets to decide which charity will be recieving a $525 bonus on Christmas eve.

Thanks of course to DVinfo and Chris Hurd, if it wasn't for him we all wouldn't be here. And next to Guy Cochran and Guy Cochran and who turned a big cash prize into a donation. Also thanks to Rob Lohman who has the great fun of adding all this to our website. :)

And this time, most importantly, the following DVinfo members who donated generously to our cause.
Mike Teutsch
Josh Johnson
Robert Martens
Dylan Couper (me!)
Fredrik Larsson
Bradley Marlow
Pete Bauer
Benjamin Durin
Lorinda Norton
Nick Hiltgen
Randall Allen
Richard Mays
Jon Jones
Chris Barcellos
Ed Smith
Riley Harmon
Daniel Rudd
Craig Bellaire
Mitchell Stookey
Sean McHenry
Jeff Tyler
Bradley Marlow (yes, twice!)
Jason Varner

Finally, to all those who thanked me for running this, you are welcome, it was my pleasure.

Now, what you really want to hear....

The runner up in The DV Challenge #4....

Jimmy Bustos - Shark Hunting!

Congradulations Jimmy, your's stood well out over the crowd with an secure second place. Fantastic work. E-mail me with your address for your now world famous cheap winners certificate hot off my laser printer. :)


The winner of Best Film of The DV Challenge #4 is...

Lorinda Norton - Soot Happens!

Congradulations Lorinda! Great work, great characters, funny, and with spirit. You deserved this for sure. I hope you have a charity picked out, because you are about to give someone a hell of a Christmas gift. Email me and let me know where you'd like it sent. If they have Paypal I can do it right now. If you'd like to tell everyone who it is, feel free, if not let me know via email.

That's all folks! I'm now going to retire to spend some time with my family.
Have a safe and happy holiday!