Steven Kornreich
December 20th, 2002, 02:42 PM
Forgot to ask in my last post, what is a good tripod and head to use with my MX5000? I purchased the Pana Tripod but it is all plastic and very flimbsy.
View Full Version : Tripod / Head recommendation? Steven Kornreich December 20th, 2002, 02:42 PM Forgot to ask in my last post, what is a good tripod and head to use with my MX5000? I purchased the Pana Tripod but it is all plastic and very flimbsy. Frank Granovski December 20th, 2002, 04:06 PM Ha! There are so many. How much do you want to spend? I've got a Manfrotto 136 head with black 075 legs. Nice and heavy---if heavy is what you want. But I'm planning on buying a Miller DS5. If you order this from Australia, you'll save a lot of money then buying it from the USA or Canada. If you go to the "support your camera" forum, you'll see I started a DS5 thread. I posted a good Australian dealer with prices there. However, I'm sure there's always something cheaper. Steven Kornreich December 20th, 2002, 05:36 PM Thanks Frank I should have put down a budget. I need something heavy. I am using a Century Optics 2x converter on my MX5000 and thinking about trying the 3x converter from Kenko. I can spend upto 500.00 Frank Granovski December 21st, 2002, 01:11 AM Up to $500 US Dollars? Hmmm, go $600, and that will get you the complete Miller DS5 setup, including the bag, from that Australian dealer. (Go see that thread I mentioned.) But you'll have to tack on the shipping cost. I suggest going with FEDEX. For other tripod suggestions, you should go read some of the older threads on the "support your camera" forum. One Australian Dollar is about 50% of one US Dollar. If you go to your local bank, buy an Australian M.O., and send it via express post. For the shipping cost, let them contact you once they have the exact price for you---via e-mail, and give then your C.C. details. One final note. My tripod/head is for sale. It's in new condition---not even a hair line scratch! If you're interested, e-mail me. I'll also give you the run down why the DS5 is better. (I'm not pushing selling this tripod because I quite like it. It's just that the DS5 is lighter, smoother and easier to set up.) Steven Kornreich December 21st, 2002, 01:27 AM Hi Frank you are right I should go for the DS5 to. I read the thread on support your camera. I emailed today Is this the right email address to use? If not who should I go through. Thanks again for all your help. Steve Frank Granovski December 21st, 2002, 03:49 AM Yes, that e-mail is one of there's. All the info I got from them I posted already. And the other guy posted his reply with the DS10 info. Don't go for the DS10. The smaller DS5 is already a bit overkill for a loaded MX cam. That Australian dealer seems to be highly recommended. Remember the Miller DS5 is a pro tripod/fluid head/spreader/bag setup. I've looked at one at a local shop---IT'S NICE! |