Mo Zee
December 19th, 2002, 07:14 PM
i was checking out the demo version of vegas video, and i couldn't get to play the video on my ext monitor. I tried my IEE34 and my raptor, and both wouldnt work, although both devices were listed in the menu. I also tried to connect to 3 different cameras. But it works fine with premiere and soundforge.
Edward Troxel
December 20th, 2002, 10:15 AM
I don't know exactly what the limitations are in the demo version, but the preview on external monitor work great with the full version of VV 3.0c (You DID turn it on???). I use it exclusively for monitoring my work. I almost never use the preview window on the screen.
Setup: VV3 to Firewire to Deck to TV (note the sound will come out the soundcard during previews - sound only goes out the firewire when using PTT.)
Mo Zee
December 20th, 2002, 06:17 PM
imne was VV 2.0a. The setup is what I use on forge. Will have no problems about the sound coming out from the card, I have 12 wave outs and 14 channels of input.
what's PTT?
the video does stream during recording, right?
Edward Troxel
December 20th, 2002, 10:33 PM
PTT = Print To Tape
If you are testing a DEMO, download version 3.0c - the most current version - for demoing purposes. A lot of improvements have been made between versions.