Tobias Utz
December 11th, 2005, 02:45 AM
for a short film i rent the p+s mini35 300 series. When i switched it on it sounds like you rewind a tape. is this normal? is the 400 series as loud as the 300 series?
Does anybody know what Nikon Lenses are good for using with the mini35?
thank you
John Colette
December 11th, 2005, 05:05 PM
Tobias - they 400 series is really quiet - can't speak for the 300 - but I'm told the older versions are a bit on the noisy side. Like really noisy.....
As for lenses - get the fastest primes you can get, and a good zoom is nice for shooting in daylight. The adapter soakks up a lot of light - 2 stops for sure. You will need to "overlight" compared to the very fast qualities of modern video cameras - the difference being that with the Depth of Field reduced, you can be more creative with backgrounds. Imagine using a 300w light - then you use 2 with the adapter at least!
I use Nikon 35, 50 and 80mm f1.4 for main lenses - and some wide/tele f2 and f2.5 lenses for fixed lens shots. (24mm 16mm, 105mm) ....Looking for a faster 135 f1.8 at the moment :-)
Bear in mind the Nikons *do* breathe when you pull focus - especially the 8omm - and I use a Sigma 24-70mm f2.8 constsnt Zoom for a lot of other work outdoors - and It's a really great zoom for the price. Bought it from ebay from T.Dimension - a shop in Hong Kong. Arrived in 2 days via EMP post. All my other lenses I bought 2nd hand from various sources.
Look at - Dan has some great gears for still prime lenses that not only gear the lens - but increase the focus diamater, so the short throw on many stills lenses - like the Nikons - is compensated for. He also sells a **great** folow focus - by far the best you will find for the cost.
hope that's helpful
Tobias Utz
December 12th, 2005, 10:20 PM
Hi John,
thank you very much! It was a very good help for me.
Now i`m looking vor T dimension and lenses with the specs
you`ve told me.
John Colette
December 13th, 2005, 06:28 PM
A pleasure Tobias - I am hoping to put up some WWW info on all of this when I get some spare moments!
Hopefully it can point out our experiences for the rest of the community.
Look also in the "Alternative Imaging Methods" forum here - it's very helpful.
Tobias Utz
December 14th, 2005, 09:03 AM
Hi! Infos would be great!
I will also put a list of tested lenses online when it`s done.
Dennis Hingsberg
January 10th, 2006, 08:44 AM
The 300 you rented likely needs to be serviced. I rent out a 300 here in Toronto and she's extremely quiet when run in either high or low speed.
Hope that helps.