View Full Version : Vegas 6 features vs PPro 1.5

Bryan Leighty
December 8th, 2005, 01:42 PM
Newbie here.. a bit familiar with PPro 1.5 (enough to edit some simple stuff together, transitions, simple color corrections, etc) looking to get some advice on what is available in Vegas 6 that PPro 1.5 does not have or vise-versa.

I know this may spark a "whats better" debate. I am just looking for what features/functions/etc are available compared to the other product. Before I get too far into one particular NLE I think now would be a good time to jump to another if one would be better suited for my needs.

I am looking to begin filming a number of fashion / art shows. As these will be very music dependant, any NLE that would give me powerful sound editing would be a HUGE bonus. PPro 1.5 has been very good and I have no problem sticking with it.. just not sure if I am missing out on some cool features and plugins that I seem to come across as so many of you use Vegas.

Thanks so much!!


Rick Steele
December 8th, 2005, 02:17 PM
Im sort of in the same boat. Currently a Ppro 1.5 user considering a switch to Vegas. I'm real comfortable with using Premiere - I just have some stability problems right now.

It might do us both some good to sit on the fence a while longer to see what Ppro brings in version 2.0 which is due out in the next 3 months or so. I don't think it's a complete rewrite like 1.5 was (and God knows they've had plenty of time for that if it is) but it might yield something useful that'll keep you on board the adobe wagon.

Until Vegas 7 anyway. :)

Matt Brabender
December 8th, 2005, 03:36 PM
- "As these will be very music dependant, any NLE that would give me powerful sound editing would be a HUGE bonus" -

Right there is a great reason to use Vegas. I can't think of a better NLE that can deal with audio and video together, in high detail in such a harmonious way.

Vegas has better colour tools, and stability is rock like.

Ron Evans
December 8th, 2005, 05:34 PM
Vegas is a great sound editor and will use any plugins that you may have for SOund Forge on the same machine. I find that the keyframe controls are also easier to use in Vegas especially the crop,zoom and motion controls. Frankly I don't see much difference in the colour correction between Vegas, Premiere and Edius Pro 3.

Ron Evans

Christopher Lefchik
December 8th, 2005, 10:46 PM
They both have their strengths and weaknesses. If you already own Premiere Pro, you might want to continue editing with it and explore its capabilities more fully. If you run into something later you don't like (say, should the audio capabilities turn out to not be enough), then you could always try out Vegas.

On the other hand, Premiere Pro might turn out to have everything you need, in which case you saved a bunch of money (these high end editors aren't cheap, that's for sure!).