View Full Version : Another fast paced reception montage

Patrick Moreau
December 7th, 2005, 11:32 PM
I posted another one like this a while back that went over pretty well. This one is similar in style, very upbeat, cut to "Let's get it started". It takes a while to load as I exported the file slightly larger as there is a part with four shots on the screen at once and the ocuple was having a hard time seeing much in there. I have revised this from the original version due to the couples request oto have more dancing of closer family, whcih unfortunately made me cut out some of the unique dancing shots. I try to keep these original, any feedback would be appreciated.


Glen Elliott
December 9th, 2005, 07:15 AM
I posted another one like this a while back that went over pretty well. This one is similar in style, very upbeat, cut to "Let's get it started". It takes a while to load as I exported the file slightly larger as there is a part with four shots on the screen at once and the ocuple was having a hard time seeing much in there. I have revised this from the original version due to the couples request oto have more dancing of closer family, whcih unfortunately made me cut out some of the unique dancing shots. I try to keep these original, any feedback would be appreciated.


Patrick, I tried to get it to load...however was unsucessful.

James Bridges
December 9th, 2005, 08:48 AM
That was really fun. I liked it. Great job. Kind of too bad though about the missing dance shots. Gotta do what the client wants though right? "Show my uncle more, I can't see my face, oh look that baby is smiling..."

Looks Good.

Patrick Moreau
December 9th, 2005, 10:16 AM
Patrick, I tried to get it to load...however was unsucessful.

Glen, I played with the file slightly and went back to the default method which seems to work much better. It should load properly now.

Glen Elliott
December 9th, 2005, 11:32 AM
Glen, I played with the file slightly and went back to the default method which seems to work much better. It should load properly now.

Thanks I'll give it a shot when I get home from work. Can't install QT on my work PC.